Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Pile - 12/30/2015

The Christmas gifts have all been unwrapped and a few more games have been added to the pile.  I was SO CLOSE to having nothing on left  a month or so ago with only “Links Awakening” remaining, but then a Black Friday sale happened, and then Christmas gifts were received.  And besides, what fun would that be to only have one game to play?  My legions of fans would be so upset if I ceased updating.  I’m in credit card limbo right now which is a blessing and a curse.  I’m saving money, but missing out on some deals.  Had I had a credit card, Batman Arkham Knight and Splatoon would probably be on this list.  Regardless, a Christmas gift from my in laws in Halo 5, and from my wife (and son Cole) in Tri Force Heroes.  With some added multi now that my GNI friends have Xbone’s this pile will take me a while to get through. 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Super Mario Bros. 2 [Japan] (3DS)

Date Purchased: August 26, 2015
Date Completed: August 18, 2015
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I’ve owned this game multiple times, but could never complete it.  If not for the 3DS and its restore points, I still would not have finished it.  This game is HARD.  Really hard.  So hard that they didn’t bring it over to the US until much later as a bundle in Super Mario All Stars.  This is the original Super Mario 2 in Japan (sorry, couldn’t find any better box art) featuring 9 worlds of all new, difficult levels.  Some aesthetic changes make the game feel different, including some nifty idea’s at the end which I wish they would have implemented earlier.  It’s a decent enough game, but a little unfair in spots.  I’m glad to have seen it all the way through, and my Mario Maker skills did help me get through despite the physics being a little different.  For die-hard Mario players, recommend, otherwise pass.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 1, 2015
Date Completed: December 17, 2015
Price: $6 (eShop)

Almost 4 months to complete this game, would have been much, MUCH longer had I not used a guide.  This game would have been amazing back in 1993.  A portable game of this size and scope could have kept you busy for many hours, but after playing “A Link Between Worlds”, another great top down Zelda game, it’s really hard to go back, no fast travel, pausing to change items, I could go on ... Regardless, this is a really fine game, an incredible accomplishment for its time, I can appreciate it for that, but trying to play it in 2015 is just that, trying.  Pass?

Working midnights is the only way I could get through this game.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Pile (12/01/2015)

I picked up a few "Black Friday" deals from PSN.  Back to buying games as it appears my run of free games via Xbox game share appears to have come to an end.  It's a shame, but was a good run, Destiny (+ expansions), Halo MCC, Forza Horizon 2, Watch Dogs, and Dying Light (which I tried but had no drive to finish, maybe one day).  Anyways, now have GTA V, 2 Wolfenstein games (well, 1 and a standalone expansion) and may have Halo 5 coming for Christmas.  Merry Gaming!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Super Mario Maker (Wii U)

Date Purchased:  September 11, 2015
Date Completed: November 20, 2015
Price: $69.99 ( Nintendo eShop)

Does one ever “finish” Super Mario Maker?  I think not.  I have however played enough of this game to feel I can take it off the “pile of shame”.  Super Mario Maker is a great game, perhaps, the best game.  There is so much to see, do, create, it really is without limits.  I am extremely nostalgic with regards to all things Mario, and while that may influence my opinion on the game, I really feel there’s nothing here to complain about.  Whenever I feel “creators block” I jump on reddit and check some of the top submitted levels and feel inspired again.  I love this game.  A lot.  A candidate for the coveted “Pile of Shame Game of the Year”.   Highest Recommendation.

Friday 13 November 2015

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)

Date Purchased: (Borrowed October 30, 2015)
Date Completed: November 9, 2015
Price: (Free – Borrowed)

Shadow of Mordor, a game never on the pile, but borrowed from my nephew and blogging friend Riley.  From what I’ve heard this is a lot like Assassins Creed, but, I’ve never played one of those, so I don’t have a point of reference.  I have played a number of open world games though, and this one is one of the better ones I’ve played.  I’m not “into” the “Lord of the Rings” by any stretch, but didn’t feel it was necessary to enjoy the game.  Great combat, enjoyable stealth, and a fun/addictive upgrade system kept me coming back.  My only criticism would be that the location variety is somewhat lacking, the maps are big, but everywhere looks pretty much the same.  Perhaps they should have added some indoor sections to mix things up?  Regardless, fun game, recommend.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Destiny: The Taken King (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  September 15, 2014
Date Completed:  October 27, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

The Taken King is awesome.  I'm not sure if it's so good because it improves Destiny so much, or if it's just good on it's own merits, but man, it's good.  I've always enjoyed Destiny's gameplay but the story and the universe left a lot to be desired.  The Taken King changes all that with a nice compact story that doesn't confuse, some great voice acting, humor, and enough updates to make Destiny enjoyable even as a single player game.  I knocked it out in a few sittings and again, played it solo.  It's a great addition which put Destiny in my top 10 games of the year.  Recommend.  

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Destiny: House of Wolves (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: May 19, 2015
Date Completed: October 14, 2015
Price:  Free (Xbox Game Share)

Destiny continues to amuse and confuse.  I don't know what in the world is happening in the story, but pointing at things and shooting keeps me coming back.  House of Wolves provided my first real challenge so far and I quite enjoyed it.  I beat the bad guy and I won!  YAY!  Recommend.

Friday 9 October 2015

Destiny: The Dark Below (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: December 09, 2014
Date Completed: October 07, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

I "finished" Destiny on May 12, 2015 and had no real desire to play the DLC, I had a pile of other games to move onto.  Now that the pile is nearing completion, I needed a game to play in the evenings when the kids are in bed.  The 2 remaining pile games can be played with kids around.  So, I decided to fire up Destiny again and tackle the expansions.  I don't know how many times I said to myself, sometimes even aloud "I don't know what I'm doing".    This game had a HUGE update, a lot had changed, and I was far from a Destiny master going in.  I'm not a big RPG player either, so I'm not familiar with many of the systems.  I finished it though, even though I had to double check.  This is basically a handful of extra single player quests.  Light on story (I don't understand the story, especially after 5 months off) and no cut scenes, no end credits.  The shooting felt good though, and I kind of enjoyed it?  This expansion ran $20 at the time, probably not worth that much.  But for free, I enjoyed my time again in the strange world of Destiny.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Grow Home (PS4)

Date Purchased: September 10, 2015
Date Completed: October 03, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

I'd heard a lot of good about "Grow Home" but didn't feel the love myself.  The controls were a little frustrating, but I did adjust  over time making them more acceptable.  I also played the game "wrong" growing my plant all the way to the space station, but neglected to connect to the proper planets to enable my star plant to grow properly.  Was this explained?  Not sure.  Regardless, I did finish it and opted out of the extra missions.  This game was passable, but far from "must play".  Pass.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 4 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed: September 30, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

FINALLY!  It took almost a year, but the Master Chief Collection is now off the pile.  Halo 4, hmmm, I was looking forward to playing this one again, but quickly remembered I didn't enjoy it that much.  The level variety is sub par compared to previous entries and the new enemy set (Prometheans) lack the character of the Brutes and Covenant.  A solid game, with an interesting story, but just not as fun.  This is the first non-Bungie Halo Game, and while 343 did a decent job, I feel it's lacking some of the magic of Halo 1-3 and it's "expansions".   Pass.

Edit:  Forgot to mention the annoying "bugs" in this series of games.  This one of the most frustrating, a floating Mammoth.  Also, many times the game would not load the level, had inconsistent save states, required restarting missions, achievements didn't unlock and more.  Happy to finally have this, what could have been great game, off the pile.


Saturday 26 September 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 3: ODST (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 15, 2014
Date Completed: September 25, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

Tired of looking at The Master Chief Collection on my pile, I decided to dive into ODST, a game I don't remember too fondly.  Now that I've played it again, WHY??  This game was great!  I really enjoyed my time with the game and appreciated it's "compact" story compared to the convoluted stories of other Halo games.  Graphics were fine (cut scenes a little rough) and the music is probably the best in the series.  Classic Halo gameplay is what draws me to these games and it's back here in full force.  Now if I just get past Destiny's lame universe ... 

Some achievements didn't pop, but here's proof of my progress so far,
 ODST is filed under Halo 3.

Monday 21 September 2015

inFamous: First Light (PS4)

Date Purchased:  January 15, 2015
Date Completed: September 21, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Turns out this was probably all the inFamous I needed.  A great standalone expansion, however I may have experienced a little overkill playing it immediately after "Second Son".  Regardless a great game and I definitely got my money's worth ;) .  Recommend.

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Pile 09/17/2015

Added Super Mario Maker and Grow Home. Mario Maker shouldn't take me too long to take off the pile, not sure when I'll get to Grow Home, but I've heard it's short too.  Some inFamous DLC, and that stupid Master Chief helmet is still staring me down.

inFamous: Second Son (PS4)

Date Purchased:  August 4, 2015
Date Completed: September 15, 2015
Price: $4.96 (The Souce)


Best $5 I’ve ever spent.   I’ve always liked the inFamous series, the first one being my favorite, but I’d heard mixed things about this one.  The gameplay is good, it looks beautiful, but I’ve heard the main character is a little … “bad” … for lack of a better term. I too found this to be true, but in the end I really enjoyed my time with this game.  Summertime gaming is tough, and despite a break for Rocket League in there, I got back in and finished this one strong, even with Mario Maker in the library.  I’d recommend it even at $20.  Had a lot of fun (minus that last boss battle that went on forever, ugh).

Saturday 12 September 2015

Super Mario Deluxe (Gameboy Color/3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 26, 2015
Date Completed: September 11, 2012
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I’ve played the OG Super Mario Brothers a lot.  I’ve purchased it many times, but for some reason I always thought this “deluxe” version was inferior.  It’s not.  If you’ve never played the original this might be the definitive version to play.  Not only does it have the full game inside it’s little GBA cart, it has extra modes, and the full level set of the unreleased Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan) in there as well (slightly modified from it’s ridiculously hard Japanese brother).  The game also has some extra challenges, and bonuses including a Calendar!  NEAT!  Okay, not so neat.  I’d recommend trying this out, it was worth the price of admission and fun to play through all the levels again.  Thank goodness for restore points on the 3DS though. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Super Mario Bros 3 (NES/3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 26, 2015
Date Completed: September 7, 2012
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

In anticipation for “Super Mario Maker” I downloaded a bunch of classic Mario games for play on the 3DS.  Yes, I already owned them on other consoles, but thought the portable nature would get me to play them all the way through.  I started with some classic Super Mario, but quickly switched to Super Mario 3.  What a great game.  I’ve played this many times all the way through, but hadn’t done so in a long time.  No level skipping, no warping, one by one I made my way through.  Thank goodness for restore points, this game was much more difficult than I remember.   I’d also forgotten about the variety of levels and enemies I haven’t seen since.  This game deserves it’s rank among the best of all time. If you’ve never played it complete, I highly recommend you do.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Super Street Fighter IV 3D (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 29, 2015
Date Completed: August 30, 2015
Price: $6.79

I’ve owned almost as many versions of Street Fighter as I have versions of Tetris.  I’m not sure how many, but it’s a lot.  I was hesitant to purchase this version due it’s portable nature, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.  This is a great version of an iconic franchise and has all the bells and whistles of it’s console big brother.  Online play is surprisingly good despite that I’m not very good.  Put me on a local stage however and “I will crush you”.  Highly recommend.

Thursday 13 August 2015

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (PS3)

Date Purchased: June 9, 2015
Date Completed: August 13, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a short game in a setting that made me wish it was longer.  I really enjoyed the "Western" element as few games ever go there.  The graphics are cell shaded which gives the game a cartoonish look, but it's actually a nice looking game.  The voice acting is awesome (except for Dwight) and the sound is top notch.  A great story with excellent narrative.  If there are any knocks against it, it's that the story is narrated even in an intense firefight, and it's hard to concentrate on both things at the same time.  The "dueling" system also seemed more like luck than skill.  Overall really good however.  Recommend.

Saturday 8 August 2015

The Pile 08/08/2015

Picked up a couple more games recently, after finishing the last of the unfinished home console Zelda games I decided to start finishing off the handheld ones, so I picked up Link's Awakening from the eShop.  Also found Infamous: Second Son for $5, so I couldn't pass that up.

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 3 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed: August 5, 2014
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

I was cruising along with Halo 3 and quite enjoying it when Majora’s Mask landed in my lap.  Halo took the back seat and I recently picked it up.  Little did I know I only had a couple hours left.  Great game and it was a huge advantage playing it right after Halo 2 as far as story is concerned.  It was a little difficult playing this one after the remastered Halo 2, but the gameplay still holds up.  The cut scenes are pretty rough compared to the beautiful Halo 2 CG.  Now only ODST and Halo 4 remain until they add Halo: Reach as DLC.  I'm calling it here...

Friday 31 July 2015

The Pile 07/31/2015

It's shrinking, but all I really want to play is Rocket League.

Rocket League (PS4)

Date Purchased:   July 9, 2015
Date Completed:  July 30, 2015
Price:  Free (PS+)

Rocket League, one of the most fun sports games ever.  Note: I didn’t say best sports games ever, but the “most fun”.  I completed a short season, won the championship and have played probably 20 matches online, this is a fantastic game.  The game is simple in concept, but deep in gameplay.  What looks so easy is actually quite difficult to execute.  There comes a time where you find yourself able to do things you previously couldn't.  I wouldn't say there's a steep learning curve, but suddenly you just "get it" and it feels great, but still, I have much to learn.  Anyways, if you have some friends together this is a must play.  Graphics are solid, but gameplay is so perfect.  I really can’t say a whole lot more other than it’s incredibly fun and is being widely celebrated among gamers of all varieties.  It’s turned non sports gamers into sports gamers.  Play it.  Now.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PS Vita)

Date Purchased:   July 9, 2015
Date Completed:  July 29, 2015
Price:  Free (PS+)

I’ve played a fair amount of Geometry Wars in my time, loved the first, had some issues with the second, and only played this, the third, because it’s free.  When the Xbox 360 came out, I put an incredible amount of time into this game, ridiculous amounts of time trying to beat high scores, but then trying for hours and finally achieving the coveted 1 million points without dying  achievement (only 3% of players have this one).  The second game left something to be desired, chasing the geoms ruined the way I played the game, and there were too many game types that the leaderboard felt less meaningful.  I passed on Geometry Wars 3 until it was “given” to me via PS+, and I instantly loved it.  The game has a campaign which kept things fresh, the drones and supers added a lot to the game, and while I’ve heard people lamenting the boss battles, I really liked them.  Great game.  High recommendation if you like twin stick shooters.  (That last boss battle was a bitch though)

Edit: Should note that this game plays flawlessly on Vita

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)

Date Purchased:   June 20, 2015
Date Completed:  July 27, 2015
Price:  Free (Father’s Day gift)

I’ve played every major console iteration of every Zelda game … now.  Majora’s mask was notably absent form that list for many years.  Majora’s mask came out at the end of the N64’s lifecycle and I had already moved on to Dreamcast and other things (man, NFL 2K was great wasn’t it?).  So, now, 15 years later I have finally played this “controversial” Zelda game.

Majora’s Mask is one of the most debated Zelda games of them all. Some love, some hate, I fall somewhere in the middle.  What I liked was the impressive graphics on the 3DS, the bunny hat should be in every Zelda game, the complex dungeons, and the general atmosphere of Clocktown and Termina.  What I didn’t like, the 3 day cycle which made me feel rushed (I finished a couple Dungeons with minutes to spare which made them far less enjoyable), the repetition of tasks and conversations, and the lack of dungeons.  

I’m missing a few heart containers, but otherwise I obtrained every mask and item with the help from my friends at  I used a guide a lot, I used to, but no longer consider it cheating.  When you have a pile, you have to get through it.

In all I’d say I have about 40 hours clocked in (see what I did there?) and Cole likely has the same amount (but he typically just plays my file).   I’d recommend the game to Zelda fans, definitely worth the experience, but this one I’ll likely never replay, which is quite rare for someone who’s played the others in the series upwards of four times.

Thursday 23 July 2015

The Pile 07/23/2015

It's been over a month since I've updated, but that's what summertime gaming will do to you.  It's tough to find game time with all the bbq's, events and baseball going on.  So, a couple gems this month on PS+ in Rocket League and Geometry Wars so they're added to the pile.  Still slowly working through Majora's mask when I have time as well. 

Sunday 21 June 2015

The Pile - 06/21/06

I was just starting to see the light at the end of the pile when a 25 hour bomb  (according to this) was dropped in my lap for Fathers Day  ... not that I mind, I've wanted to play Majora's Mask for the last 15 years but never got around to it.  When the 3DS remake was announced, I knew that was the version I wanted to play.  Portability is a huge bonus in my life.  So, there are still 4 games on the pile, and I've decided to beat all the campaigns in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, so that one will stick around for a bit.  A big pile is a happy pile.  Happy Father's Day!

Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure (3DS)

Date Purchased:  June 11, 2015
Date Completed: June 21, 2015
Price: $12 (Nintendo eShop)

A game I never officially put on the pile, but I did finish all the "challenge" levels.  They weren't much of a challenge, however I am quite the Dr. Mario veteran.  Basically Dr. Mario with some powerups, which can get you out of  jam, but ultimately feels like a cheat.  You can turn them off if you like.  Solid multiplayer online and off, supports download play, and if you have someone to play with that's competitive, I'd recommend it.  The wife and I have a pretty heated rivalry. 

Thursday 18 June 2015

Gears of War: Judgement (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased:  April 1, 2015
Date Completed: June 17, 2015
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

The problem with a "Pile of Shame" is that you never put as much time into a title as it deserves.  Sure, nothing's stopping me from playing said game, but the pull of taking on another is stronger than the desire to keep playing one.  Gears of War: Judgement deserved more of my time.  I would have LOVED this back in the days of only having one game to play at a time.  The structure of Judgement is perfect for a guy like me, broken up into very small chapters, with lots of smaller goals and challenges in order to get a higher score ... like an arcade game.  While this initially turned me off, I found myself getting bugged if I didn't get at least 2 stars on each mission, wanting to replay them.  Alas, I didn't, and I blew through the game and it's mediocre story.  I think this is the best looking Gears game of them all, the story is a bit lacking, but the game play is tight.  It has enough content, with 2 campaigns (the 2nd being very short, more like DLC).  Recommend at the right price.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 2 Anniversary (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 15, 2014
Date Completed: June 8, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

It’s been 11 years since I played the Halo 2 campaign, there was a lot I didn’t remember, which was actually quite nice as this felt like a new experience.  The fresh coat of paint helped to.  I took a couple game clips here and here so you can see for yourself.  The difference is substantial, and while I’ve always felt Halo’s story had it’s head up it’s own ass, I must say, the cut-scenes are done so well, that it actually made me care about the story of Halo!  Shocking!  I really enjoyed my time with this, it made me appreciate the Halo franchise a whole lot more … so much so that I jumped straight into Halo 3.   Halo 3 does not have that fresh coat of paint though,  it was relatively hard to go back to, so I’m taking a break and deciding if I want/need to finish the games in this bundle that are not “re-mastered”.  Regardless, Halo 2 Anniversary, high recommendation. 

Monday 1 June 2015

The Pile

The list of freebies is out for June and only one game has me interested, Call of Juarez Gunslinger on PS3.  Could I actually wipe the list completely clean?  I guess that depends on how I decide to handle Halo: Master Chief Collection.  At one point I was simply considering finishing the 2 re-mastered campaigns, but now that ODST is on there too, I feel like I should finish them all ... despite having finished them all before.  We'll wait and see on that, perhaps 60fps and 1080p isn't enough to make me replay these games.  I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the remastered Halo 2, and while I'm enjoying the game and the amazing cutscenes, the story itself can bite me.  Bleh. 

Donkey Kong (Gameboy/3DS eShop)

Date Purchased: May 14, 2015
Date Completed: June 1, 2015
Price: Free (Club Nintendo)

When left with a handful of remaining Club Nintendo points I decided to download Donkey Kong for the GameBoy.  I'd heard it's great, but never expected much given how old the game is (1994).  21 years later and this game holds up very well.  It's essentially the very first "Mario vs. Donkey Kong" game.  Gameplay is very tight, the sound and visuals are some of the best I've played on GameBoy.   Recommend.

Saturday 30 May 2015

InFamous 2 (PS3)

Date Purchased:  June 5, 2012
Date Completed: May 27, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

I rushed through this game.   InFamous 2 is quite fun and has a good story.   I do have a number of beefs with it though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, the camera can get a little “odd” at times, and after playing “SunsetOverdrive” the traversal seemed a bit slow.  Infamous 2 was probably a great game in it’s day, but the core gameplay of something in this style has been improved in more “current” games.  I’d recommend it in 2012, but in 2015, pass.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Monument Valley (iOS)

Date Purchased: May 23, 2015
Date Completed: May 26, 2015
Price: $1.19 (iOS App Store)

I rarely play games on mobile OS.  I used to play a lot of them, however after feeling burned by so many of them, I gave up trying.  For the most part, touch controls are poor unless a game implements them really well.  Secondly, most of them are "endless", I like an ending (as if you didn't already know) to feel like I can move on.  Finally, the constant milking of my credit card a dollar at a time has is a real let down in mobile gaming.  Okay, Enough about that.

I first saw Monument Valley on an episode of "House of Cards" during it's third season and have wanted to try it ever since.  It was a small product placement in the show that apparently sent the game into the top 10 of the App Store.  Nice work whoever made that happen.

The game is a relatively simple puzzle game where you control your character by tapping where you want it to go.  The graphic art style is what drew me in, and I found there to be an extra layer there with some mind bending optical illusions.  The game is not overly difficult (admitting one YouTube check to get through an early level).  The sound and music is very minimal, but well done.  There's not a lot to the story, but then end is satisfying.

High recommendation.  

Friday 22 May 2015

The Pile 05/23/2015

A couple new games added to the pile, Donkey Kong for the Gameboy which was free from Club Nintendo, and Monument Valley, on sale for $1.19, the very first iOS game to make the cut.  I've wanted to play Monument Valley since I saw it "featured" on "House of Cards".  I haven't played it yet, but it looks promising from the video I've seen.  As for the big budget games, working on Infamous 2 after having owned it for years. 

Thursday 14 May 2015

The Unfinished Swan (Vita)

Date Purchased: May 6, 2015
Date Completed: May 13, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Neat little adventure game in first person.  Described as a children’s story, but there ain’t no kid who’s going to want to hear it.  The story itself is so open ended and left to interpretation it leaves something to be desired, trust me, I read a lot of children’s stories.  Graphics are simple but nice, sound is great although the narrator sucks, which is too bad, because the kid and the king both sound great.  There are some really great game mechanics here that I'd like see expanded, but those are over far too quickly (I'm looking at you box building sequence).  You can blow through this in a couple hours, and at free, I recommend you do it.  I would not pay for it.  (Also available on PS3/PS4)

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Destiny (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 15, 2015
Date Completed: May 12, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

I love and hate Destiny.  I hate the story, so much so, that I started listening to sporting events while playing (which I actually quite enjoyed and can see ... err .. hear myself doing more of with other games).  But the story isn’t the lone reason I dislike Destiny, the main reason being that I played it all wrong.  I played Destiny alone.  I can see how fun this game could be with a friend, I love co-op (probably because I stink at competitive multiplayer) and this game is a co-op gamers dream, it’s meant to be played with friends.  Every mission is playable with a partner or two.  I really enjoyed the shooting, the environments, the weapons and the enemies were cool as well.  Big boss battles are something you don’t see in too many games anymore and this game has some of the best.    I ended up putting in about 15 hours into Destiny and the odd time I’d hook up with some random stranger who happened to be in my vicinity and we’d blast away together.  Those were some fun moments, but then that stranger would ride off into the distance … so long old friend … we’ll always have that battle together.   Do I have friends I could play Destiny with?  Yes, and no.  I game on my own terms, for however long I can or feel like.  What I don’t have time or patience for is waiting for a friend to sign on, install an update, get in a lobby and join up.  By the time that’s all done I’m usually left with about 20 minutes to play.  So was Destiny worth it as a single player game?  Yeah, for the right price I’d say so.  But at $70 (CDN)?  No.  Still, at the end of it all … Recommend.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Box Boy! (3DS)

Date Purchased: May 2, 2015
Date Completed: May 9, 2015
Price: $5.50 (eShop)

Fun little puzzle game well worth the price of admission.   Each world has it’s own “mechanic” so it doesn’t get insanely difficult by the end.  You can also “buy” hints on each level with currency earned in game, so if you’re stuck, you can progress without feeling like a dirty dirty cheater going to youtube.  The first few levels are insanely easy, but the challenge ramps up and the bonus worlds have you using all your known skills to complete them.  But, for me, once I see the credits, the game’s usually retired for a while.  Recommend.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

2 More Games

This month's free Playstation Plus games are out and there are FOUR games that look okay.  I've already started and am digging "Unfinished Swan", so it's on the pile.  I also bought "Box Boy!" on the 3DS eShop.  Still slowly working through Destiny, but the home console games are tough to get to with the warmer weather.  Thankfully all the PS+ games I'm interested are also available on Vita.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)

Date Purchased: February 26, 2014
Date Completed: April 30, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Uncharted: Golden Abyss.  The first and one of the last "big budget" Vita games.   Impressive graphics and sound mixed with mediocre gameplay.  I'm a pretty big fan of the Uncharted series on the PS3, so it was easy to see this was not developed by Naughty Dog.  The gameplay is similar, but certain aspects feel forced.  The end boss battles is like playing "Fruit Ninja" to cut scenes.  The puzzles (literal jigsaw puzzles) and the constant rubbing of the device really drag this game down.  I did enjoy popping head shots with the accelerometer though.  Recommend at $10 or less, otherwise pass.  Far from must play.

Monday 27 April 2015

Super Mega Baseball (PS4)

Date Purchased: April 8, 2015
Date Completed: April 26, 2015
Price: $19.99 (PSN)

I've played a lot of baseball games over the years, and I can tell you easily which ones stuck.  RBI on the NES, Super Bases Loaded for the SNES, Tommy Lasorda Baseball on the Genesis, MVP 2004 on the PS2, MLB 08 The Show on PSP and now, Super Mega Baseball (PS3 and PS4).  Looking at the list, it's about every 5 or 6 years that I get hooked on a baseball videogame.

Ball games I've spent too many hours with.

MLB XX "The Show"gets a lot of praise with it's attention to detail, and I've tried, year after year to "get into it" with no luck. I don't have time to sit and play a 9 inning game very often, especially when it takes an hour or more to do so.  If I'm going to game, I have plenty more games to play than just baseball.  And that's why I love Super Mega Baseball.

This game ultimately reminds me of RBI Baseball in it's glory days.  It's simple to pick up, fun to play, relatively easy to control and a game can be played in 15-20 minutes! Try introducing MLB The Show to 6 guys who don't know what  an "infield fly" is and let them have a good time ... it won't happen ... but it did with Super Mega Baseball.

I can't recommend this game enough.  I finished my season last night and won the championship, something I haven't done in a baseball game in a long time.  I got to the World Series in MLB 08 the show and LOST after a gruelling 81 game season.  What a colossal waste of time.  Thankfully a season in SMB only took me a handful of hours.

Yay Beewolves!

Just for fun, here's my championship game, well, what Playstation Share would let me upload.

If you're short on time, would like a baseball game you can play with your friends without giving them a handbook, pick up Super Mega Basebal. Highest Recommendation.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Mario Kart 8: DLC Pack 1&2 (Wii U)

Date Purchased: Pack 1 (November 13) Pack 1 (April 23) 2015
Date Completed: April 24, 2015
Price: $12

16 Tracks, 6 characters and a handful of Karts for $12?  Sign me up!  Considering the game launched with 32 tracks, that's practically 50% more game!!  The DLC was never on the pile, but I did knock it off (Gold 150cc), and I will say, it really compliments the original game, originally completed July 1

I like the fact that Mario Kart is branching out into other franchises, it really freshens things up.  The Zelda and F-Zero tracks are among my favorites.  I've always been a Kart fan, and they keep giving me more reason to play a game I never quit playing to begin with.  Win Win.

The 2nd DLC pack also came with a 200cc update, it's fast and fun, but can tell some tracks were not designed with it in mind.  Still adds a new way to play and bunch of cups to get gold in.
