Friday 13 November 2015

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PS4)

Date Purchased: (Borrowed October 30, 2015)
Date Completed: November 9, 2015
Price: (Free – Borrowed)

Shadow of Mordor, a game never on the pile, but borrowed from my nephew and blogging friend Riley.  From what I’ve heard this is a lot like Assassins Creed, but, I’ve never played one of those, so I don’t have a point of reference.  I have played a number of open world games though, and this one is one of the better ones I’ve played.  I’m not “into” the “Lord of the Rings” by any stretch, but didn’t feel it was necessary to enjoy the game.  Great combat, enjoyable stealth, and a fun/addictive upgrade system kept me coming back.  My only criticism would be that the location variety is somewhat lacking, the maps are big, but everywhere looks pretty much the same.  Perhaps they should have added some indoor sections to mix things up?  Regardless, fun game, recommend.

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