Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 1, 2015
Date Completed: December 17, 2015
Price: $6 (eShop)

Almost 4 months to complete this game, would have been much, MUCH longer had I not used a guide.  This game would have been amazing back in 1993.  A portable game of this size and scope could have kept you busy for many hours, but after playing “A Link Between Worlds”, another great top down Zelda game, it’s really hard to go back, no fast travel, pausing to change items, I could go on ... Regardless, this is a really fine game, an incredible accomplishment for its time, I can appreciate it for that, but trying to play it in 2015 is just that, trying.  Pass?

Working midnights is the only way I could get through this game.

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