Thursday 17 September 2015

inFamous: Second Son (PS4)

Date Purchased:  August 4, 2015
Date Completed: September 15, 2015
Price: $4.96 (The Souce)


Best $5 I’ve ever spent.   I’ve always liked the inFamous series, the first one being my favorite, but I’d heard mixed things about this one.  The gameplay is good, it looks beautiful, but I’ve heard the main character is a little … “bad” … for lack of a better term. I too found this to be true, but in the end I really enjoyed my time with this game.  Summertime gaming is tough, and despite a break for Rocket League in there, I got back in and finished this one strong, even with Mario Maker in the library.  I’d recommend it even at $20.  Had a lot of fun (minus that last boss battle that went on forever, ugh).

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