Wednesday 28 October 2015

Destiny: The Taken King (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  September 15, 2014
Date Completed:  October 27, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

The Taken King is awesome.  I'm not sure if it's so good because it improves Destiny so much, or if it's just good on it's own merits, but man, it's good.  I've always enjoyed Destiny's gameplay but the story and the universe left a lot to be desired.  The Taken King changes all that with a nice compact story that doesn't confuse, some great voice acting, humor, and enough updates to make Destiny enjoyable even as a single player game.  I knocked it out in a few sittings and again, played it solo.  It's a great addition which put Destiny in my top 10 games of the year.  Recommend.  

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