Friday 9 October 2015

Destiny: The Dark Below (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: December 09, 2014
Date Completed: October 07, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

I "finished" Destiny on May 12, 2015 and had no real desire to play the DLC, I had a pile of other games to move onto.  Now that the pile is nearing completion, I needed a game to play in the evenings when the kids are in bed.  The 2 remaining pile games can be played with kids around.  So, I decided to fire up Destiny again and tackle the expansions.  I don't know how many times I said to myself, sometimes even aloud "I don't know what I'm doing".    This game had a HUGE update, a lot had changed, and I was far from a Destiny master going in.  I'm not a big RPG player either, so I'm not familiar with many of the systems.  I finished it though, even though I had to double check.  This is basically a handful of extra single player quests.  Light on story (I don't understand the story, especially after 5 months off) and no cut scenes, no end credits.  The shooting felt good though, and I kind of enjoyed it?  This expansion ran $20 at the time, probably not worth that much.  But for free, I enjoyed my time again in the strange world of Destiny.

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