Friday 31 July 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)

Date Purchased:   June 20, 2015
Date Completed:  July 27, 2015
Price:  Free (Father’s Day gift)

I’ve played every major console iteration of every Zelda game … now.  Majora’s mask was notably absent form that list for many years.  Majora’s mask came out at the end of the N64’s lifecycle and I had already moved on to Dreamcast and other things (man, NFL 2K was great wasn’t it?).  So, now, 15 years later I have finally played this “controversial” Zelda game.

Majora’s Mask is one of the most debated Zelda games of them all. Some love, some hate, I fall somewhere in the middle.  What I liked was the impressive graphics on the 3DS, the bunny hat should be in every Zelda game, the complex dungeons, and the general atmosphere of Clocktown and Termina.  What I didn’t like, the 3 day cycle which made me feel rushed (I finished a couple Dungeons with minutes to spare which made them far less enjoyable), the repetition of tasks and conversations, and the lack of dungeons.  

I’m missing a few heart containers, but otherwise I obtrained every mask and item with the help from my friends at  I used a guide a lot, I used to, but no longer consider it cheating.  When you have a pile, you have to get through it.

In all I’d say I have about 40 hours clocked in (see what I did there?) and Cole likely has the same amount (but he typically just plays my file).   I’d recommend the game to Zelda fans, definitely worth the experience, but this one I’ll likely never replay, which is quite rare for someone who’s played the others in the series upwards of four times.

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