Wednesday 30 September 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 4 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed: September 30, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

FINALLY!  It took almost a year, but the Master Chief Collection is now off the pile.  Halo 4, hmmm, I was looking forward to playing this one again, but quickly remembered I didn't enjoy it that much.  The level variety is sub par compared to previous entries and the new enemy set (Prometheans) lack the character of the Brutes and Covenant.  A solid game, with an interesting story, but just not as fun.  This is the first non-Bungie Halo Game, and while 343 did a decent job, I feel it's lacking some of the magic of Halo 1-3 and it's "expansions".   Pass.

Edit:  Forgot to mention the annoying "bugs" in this series of games.  This one of the most frustrating, a floating Mammoth.  Also, many times the game would not load the level, had inconsistent save states, required restarting missions, achievements didn't unlock and more.  Happy to finally have this, what could have been great game, off the pile.


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