Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Pile - 12/30/2015

The Christmas gifts have all been unwrapped and a few more games have been added to the pile.  I was SO CLOSE to having nothing on left  a month or so ago with only “Links Awakening” remaining, but then a Black Friday sale happened, and then Christmas gifts were received.  And besides, what fun would that be to only have one game to play?  My legions of fans would be so upset if I ceased updating.  I’m in credit card limbo right now which is a blessing and a curse.  I’m saving money, but missing out on some deals.  Had I had a credit card, Batman Arkham Knight and Splatoon would probably be on this list.  Regardless, a Christmas gift from my in laws in Halo 5, and from my wife (and son Cole) in Tri Force Heroes.  With some added multi now that my GNI friends have Xbone’s this pile will take me a while to get through. 

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