Sunday 26 April 2015

Mario Kart 8: DLC Pack 1&2 (Wii U)

Date Purchased: Pack 1 (November 13) Pack 1 (April 23) 2015
Date Completed: April 24, 2015
Price: $12

16 Tracks, 6 characters and a handful of Karts for $12?  Sign me up!  Considering the game launched with 32 tracks, that's practically 50% more game!!  The DLC was never on the pile, but I did knock it off (Gold 150cc), and I will say, it really compliments the original game, originally completed July 1

I like the fact that Mario Kart is branching out into other franchises, it really freshens things up.  The Zelda and F-Zero tracks are among my favorites.  I've always been a Kart fan, and they keep giving me more reason to play a game I never quit playing to begin with.  Win Win.

The 2nd DLC pack also came with a 200cc update, it's fast and fun, but can tell some tracks were not designed with it in mind.  Still adds a new way to play and bunch of cups to get gold in.


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