Wednesday 27 May 2015

Monument Valley (iOS)

Date Purchased: May 23, 2015
Date Completed: May 26, 2015
Price: $1.19 (iOS App Store)

I rarely play games on mobile OS.  I used to play a lot of them, however after feeling burned by so many of them, I gave up trying.  For the most part, touch controls are poor unless a game implements them really well.  Secondly, most of them are "endless", I like an ending (as if you didn't already know) to feel like I can move on.  Finally, the constant milking of my credit card a dollar at a time has is a real let down in mobile gaming.  Okay, Enough about that.

I first saw Monument Valley on an episode of "House of Cards" during it's third season and have wanted to try it ever since.  It was a small product placement in the show that apparently sent the game into the top 10 of the App Store.  Nice work whoever made that happen.

The game is a relatively simple puzzle game where you control your character by tapping where you want it to go.  The graphic art style is what drew me in, and I found there to be an extra layer there with some mind bending optical illusions.  The game is not overly difficult (admitting one YouTube check to get through an early level).  The sound and music is very minimal, but well done.  There's not a lot to the story, but then end is satisfying.

High recommendation.  

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