Sunday 23 December 2018

Crash Bandicoot Trilogy (Switch)

Date Purchased: November 26, 2018
Date Completed: Dec 6, 2018
Price: $35.74 (eShop)

I'm writing these as 3 separate reviews for one very nice package.

Crash Bandicoot:

I've played the beginning of Crash many many times, but could never bring myself to complete it, it was either too difficult, or I lost interest.  That changed with the Switch though, I could take the game with me, and I could be wrong, but I don't remember Crash on the PS1 saving after every level like this one.

This game is hard af.  It was hard back then, and apparently even harder now according to a variety of reports (Crash's drops faster after a jump making it harder to land your spots).  Some levels I was banging my head on dying probably in excess of 50 times.  It's no secret I'm a bit of a Nintendo fanboy, well, Mario, this is not.  By the end of the campaign though I found the levels getting easier as I had the controls and Crash's movements built into muscle memory.  It looks and sounds nice, the level design was a bit lacking however.  I keep hearing that this is the worst game in the series, but I still enjoyed it.  I'm looking forward to digging into the sequels.  Recommend.

Crash 2: Wrath of Cortex:

A much more enjoyable experience than the original game with far less frustrating level design.  I can't comment to graphics improvements etc as it's all remastered the same.  It's a fun game and a great game to listen to podcasts etc. along with.  I'm glad I knocked the first one out first because going from 2 to 1 would have been near impossible.  One minor gripe is having to collect the purple gem in each level, they're usually incredibly easy to find, almost impossible, but there were a few instances where I ran right past it making me complete the level another time to collect the gem.  Beating a level in this game is quite an accomplishment.  I still had a great time, recommend.

Crash 3: Warped:

The final and easiest installment by far, I knocked this one out in a couple sittings.  The new abilities really makes the game simple, the double jump takes out all the challenge.  It was a fun little game, but man I would have been pissed had I paid $50 for this back in the day.  Incredibly easy, the difference in difficulty between Crash 1 and 3 is night and day.


A great litle package, worth the money I paid.  I've never been one to 100% a game, that's not going to change, but I could see myself coming back to this one every now and again.

Friday 21 December 2018

Onrush (PS4)

Date Purchased: December 9, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price: Free (PS+)

Onrush is game that is trying so hard to be cool, but just can't quite figure it out.  I can hear the project lead now "It will be like Overwatch and Burnout had a baby!"  The game is trying so hard to have personality, but it just lacks it in all areas.  That and loot boxes aside, the game continues to fail in the gameplay department, it's not fun.  I was a pretty big fan of the Motorsport games in the PS3 era, Motorstorm 1 convinced me to buy a PS3 when I was perfectly content with my Xbox 360, so I was quite optimistic of this game.  The system seems unique, it just lacks "thrills".  The takedowns are unpredictable, the physics are so off that at points you wonder if you're actually playing the game or not.  Just pass.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PS4)

Date Purchased: November 18, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price:  $54.99 (had $25 gift card)

I was peer pressured into buying this game by a friend and coworker of mine. The blackout mode did have me intrigued, but the primary multiplayer and zombies mode don't interest me too much/at all.  After 6 weeks with the game, the same holds true, I continue to return to Black Ops 4, but it's solely for their battle royale mode and not any of the others.

I enjoyed Fortnite enough, but when the building became so much more than just a way to reach an area, or for quick cover, I quickly found myself unable to compete on any level. Blackout takes everything that interests me in a battle royale mode and executes it perfectly.  I've spent a lot of hours in a squad and solo playing the mode.  Each experience different.   I've yet to win, but have felt the rush of being in the top 2 players remaining.  Graphics and sound are standard Call of Duty affair, there have been so many COD games this gen, they look good, but all quite similar.

They're now selling this game without zombies for $40 on PC, I wish they'd release Blackout as a standalone mode, should they I'd absolutely recommend that mode.  But having to pay $80 for a game you're only interested in 1/3 of?  Pass.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch)

Date Purchased:  June 21
Date Completed:  Dec 01
Price: $39.99 (Amazon)

I loved the captain toad levels in Super Mario 3D World, they were a great change of pace from the constant platforming of the main quest.  This game is an entire game built on side challenges and for the most part it succeeds, it's just incredibly easy.   The graphics and sound are absolutely adorable, the game oozes with charm.  It has all that Nintendo Polish, it's just over too soon.  I enjoyed my time with it, it just seems to be missing a "leeetle" something....challenge.  Still recommend.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Paladins (Switch/PS4)

Paladins is often criticized as an "Overwatch Clone" ... and well, it kind of is, but it's free, it's on Switch, and did I mention it's free?  Now I rarely touch a mobile game, most of them are "free to play" but just wind up being "pay to win".  Paladins is not that.  It's an objective based hero shooter, it gives you access to the main game, but only a handful of the full roster of characters.  You do earn coins for playing the game and I was able to unlock a new character every 2-3 days if I collected my daily login bonus and completed the daily challenges. 

Overwatch is probably the most polished game I've ever played from a company that's not Nintendo, so for a free to play to be compared to it almost doesn't seem fair.  So while the character design is less memorable, the sound and voice acting nowhere near it's paid counterpart, the actual gameplay is quite similar and should not be skipped just for being a clone of one of the best games ever.  I recommend you give it a try as competitive shooters are at a minimum on Switch.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Hollow Knight (Switch)

Date Purchased: August 23, 2018
Date Completed: (N/A)
Price: $10.83 (eShop)

I'd heard so many good things about this game, but should have known better when I heard "Metroidvania" to stop.  "No, this one's supposed to be good" I kept telling myself..."Yeah it's hard, but I like a challenge".  I don't think I put 15 minutes in before realizing "I"ve made a huge mistake".  Never again, never another Metroidvania.  I can't even say recommend or pass as I haven't scratched the surface, but I do know this isn't a game for me. 

Enter the Gungeon (Switch)

Date Purchased: July 22, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price: $7.80 (eShop)

Until today I had a pretty hard rule that I had to finish a game before writing a review, and I still hold that pretty close for story driven games, I'm starting to change my opinion on that.  I haven't finished "Enter the Gungeon" but I've played enough to feel I can accurately review it.  Geometry Wars on Xbox 360 was probably my most played game on that console.  Hours and hours perfecting my craft, eventually earning my most prestigious achievement "Score 1 million without dying". 

Those were different times, I had probably 10x the free time I do now, and I cannot master a game now the way I did back then.  So while I enjoyed what I've played of Enter the Gungeon and while I'll pick it up now and again, I don't think I'll ever beat it. 

Games come easier these days, I rarely have to pay out of pocket for a new experience (I guess I am paying for PS+ and Xbox Gold) and there are just too many games to play.  Enter the Gungeon is one of the better twin stick shooters out there, it's hard as heck, and I wish I was better at it.  I'll never put in the time to finish it though, and with that I cannot recommend it with those short on time and withe limited free time.  Pass.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Until Dawn (PS4)

Date Purchased:  April 7, 2018
Date Completed: September 5, 2018
Price: (Free PS+)

A PS Plus game that's been on my radar for some time, it's not my typical game, I have very little experience with adventure games.  I liked it.  The story was "good enough" to keep me coming back, the voice acting was spot on (crucial to a game like this), but the graphics stuttered quite a bit which is odd considering it's not really rendering a whole lot.  It looks nice, but the frame drops are noticeable.  I was doing pretty good but lost a couple characters in a scramble for finding the right button which I felt to be a little "weak" considering the game should weigh heavier on your decisions than your reflexes.  Oh well.  It's meant to be played multiple times, but I won't.  It was good for a once through.  Recommend.

Reddit post with comments.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Double Dragon (NES)

Date Purchased: September 16, 2018
Date Completed: September 23, 2018
Price: Free (NSO)

This game came free with Nintendo's new online service, I played and finished it many many years ago, but had a fun time taking it to the streets again.  The game features some fun leveling and the combat was still surprisingly fun.  I couldn't have finished it without save states, it's a wonder I did it back in the 90's.  Recommend.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)

Date Purchased: August 20, 2018
Date Completed: September 20, 2018
Price: $15.99 (PSN)

Uncharted: Lost Legacy is an Uncharted Ass Uncharted game.  Chloe takes Nathan's place as the wise cracking protagonist, and Nadine is along for the ride but is much less fun than Sully.  The game plays very similar to the other games in the series, however one of the middle stages changes things up and makes the game far less linear.  This is the strongest part of the game.  Uncharted 4 had a few open area's as well, but not as vast as this, and with far fewer objectives.  The game looks phenomenal as it's using the gorgeous Uncharted 4 engine. The sound is fine, the characters are just slightly less charismatic.  If you're a fan of Uncharted gameplay this one's worth a look and comes with the full multiplayer suite.  Recommend.

Reddit post with comments.

Monday 17 September 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)

Date Purchased: June 11, 2018
Date Completed: September 13, 2018
Price: Free (PS+)

I was pretty excited to see this become free during Sony's E3 presentation, it's one of the few COD titles I haven't played.  I hadn't heard the greatest things about this one, and it turns out the critics/podcasters were right. The game looks and sounds nice, the shooting is fine, the mechanics are fine, but the story is all over the place dealing with mind control, the human spirit, the ability to think freely, and the influence of machines on our own critical thinking.  It's a mess.  Why can't it just be about a terrorist takedown like the games of old?  I don't need bioshock in my COD.  I didn't mess with the multi as that's not really my jam.  Pass.

Friday 7 September 2018

Zuma's Revenge (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased: September 5, 2018
Date Completed: September 6, 2018
Price: Free (EA Access)

What I could not do in the original Zuma on Xbox (beat every level) I did in 2 sittings.  I'm quite familar with the game and its gameplay, match the balls into groups of 3, earn powerups etc.  It was a nice trip back in time.  Recommend.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Celeste (Switch)

Date Purchased: June 20, 2018
Date Completed: August 1, 2018
Price: $24.51 (eShop)

This game had been on my radar for quite some time and needing a new Switch game I picked it up for full retail after tiring of waiting for a sale.  It's a heck of a game.  Incredibly challenging, it's been compared to games like Super Meat Boy (which was too hard for this old man).  I managed to finish this game without using the assist mode, and while I know that's not the greatest of achievements, I found it difficult enough that I don't have much desire to go and 100% it.  I'm done with it at this point.  The game took me almost 11.5 hours, I died 2221 times collecting 43 of 175 strawberries.  I was relieved to see the credits roll.  The game has a nice graphical style to it, with soothing music to help ease the frustrations.  The story is admirable for this kind of game.  Recommend.

Edit July 18, 2021.  I played through this again on PC and died 1239 times and only 26 Strawberries.  That's almost 1000 less deaths for 17 less strawberries. Wow.  I think it controls better with an Xbox Game Pad.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle (Switch)

Date Purchased: March 4, 2018
Date Completed: June 6, 2018
Price: $29.99 USD (Best Buy USA)

I bought this game apprehensively after hearing a lot of positive things about it, I knew it was outside my wheelhouse, but being a pretty big fan of Mario games, I thought I'd give it a chance.  I'm glad I did.  I've never played XCOM and have never considered myself a fan of strategy games, this might change my mind however.  I really enjoyed the aesthetic, the bright colorful characters, I think this is the best Mario and co. have ever looked and that's including the recent Super Mario Odyssey.  The game play was very satisfying, although I could have done without the puzzles between battles as they seemed like nothing more than a way to stretch out the game.  My switch says I put 35 hours in and even though I finished the story, there's still a lot I could do.  XCOM is a free game on PlayStation this month, and where I normally would have dismissed it immediately, Mario + Rabbids may have opened up a new genre for me.  Recommend.

Reddit post with comments.

Monday 28 May 2018

Ratchet and Clank (PS4)

Date Purchased: March 1, 2018
Date Finished: May 28, 2018
Price: Free (Instant Game Collection)

I was pretty excited to get this game free, it had been on my radar for some time but I never pulled the trigger on a sale.  Then it became free and it still took me a couple months to get around to it.  Well, let's just say I'm glad I didn't put down any money for it.  It's not a bad game, it has its merits, it's just a little ... boring.  The platforming is uninspired, and this game being a shooter at it's very core, isn't that interesting of a shooter either.  It has some cool weapons (the pixelator being my favorite, a weapon that turns 3D models into sprites), a charming story, and is one of the nicest looking games I've played ... it's just not that fun.  Too bad.  Pass.

Monday 21 May 2018

Super Mega Baseball 2 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: May 1, 2018
Date Finished: May 21, 2018
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

I was a pretty big fan of the original Super Mega Baseball and the sequel is better in every regard.  It's an amazing game that I've become amazingly good at which is rare for a video game.  This is a surprisingly deep simulation with so much customization it will make your head spin if you get into it.  With time and patience you could recreate the entire MLB, the only thing missing would be authentic stadiums.  I primarily play "Pennant Race" which is the online multiplayer version and my record after 50 games or so would be 40-10.  It's become quite dull to play online unfortunately because I keep getting matched with new players.  The odd time I get a good matchup, it's a chess game with my opponent, trying to guess his next pitch or trying to fake him out with my own.  I love this game a lot.  I hope that over time the n00bs will move on and I'll find more "good games" consistently.  Believe it or not it's an early contender for my GOTY.  Highest recommend.  A couple highlights from my online games below.

Super Hot (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  March 1, 2018
Date Completed: May 6, 2018
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

Time only moves when you move.  Interesting concept, but does it work?  YES!  It's brilliant, more of a puzzler than a shooter, but you feel like a complete badass when you see your playthrough in real time at the completion of a level.  The story is actually really cool and it's a game unlike anything I've ever played, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Everybody's Golf (PS4)

Date Purchased:  March 13, 2018
Date Completed: April 25, 2018
Price: $19.99 (PSN)

My thoughts on this game are exactly the same as they were for Hot Shots Golf on Vita except for one thing, this game doesn't cheat like the Vita game did.  I created a spreadsheet to compete with my cousin Mike and nephew Riley, but they have given up after I crushed their scores.  Like, they can't even compete with me, I feel bad for them, not like, kinda bad, but really bad. 


Friday 23 March 2018

Stardew Valley (Switch)

Date Purchased: January 12, 2018
Date Completed: March 10, 2018
Price: $16.99 (Eshop)

After seeing this game at the top of the Switches best sellers list and being mildly intrigued I decided to give it a shot and downloaded it.  After a few "years" into the game I feel like I can adequately review it.  After looking at "" I've determined the average play through is about 50 hours, that's roughly what I've put in.  

The game is a "farming simulator" first and foremost, there are other aspects to the game, walking around talking to NPC's, uncovering some of the mysteries of the valley, but frankly idgaf about those things.  My goal was simple, make a sweet ass farm.  I'm not saying those other aspects are bad, some people really love evolving digital relationships, just not me.

The first few seasons are a real grind and a lot of work, but also the most satisfying.  A couple "years" into the game I have irrigations systems in place, more money than I really know what to do with, and the game has since lost it's appeal.  I have a feeling I'll pick it up again one day, but I'm not lying when I say I'm enjoying my break.  

The game has incredible charm and considering I got 50 hours out of a $17 game, it's well worth your investment.  Recommend.

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: February 6, 2018
Date Completed: March 07, 2018
Price: Free (EA Access)

I remember enjoying the first Mirror's Edge game on Xbox 360, so while I'd heard some negative things about this one, I decided it was worth a try despite what the critics were saying.  The game is okay, I got hung up at the beginning about perfecting runs, but when that seemed near impossible, I just mainlined the "story" (which is shit by the way) and completed the campaign.  The graphics are nice, this series has a futuristic minimalistic vibe that I appreciate, the sound minus the voice acting is fine as well.  The gameplay though, I mean it's fun doing all this parkour, but at some point you'll realize you're just following a red line from point A to point B pressing buttons with very generous room for error.  Until the last couple levels, it's like Uncharted platforming, where if you die, it's because you did something really stupid.  Pass.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Crazy Taxi (Xbox 360)

Date Purchsed: February 1, 2018
Date Completed: February 22, 2018
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

I LOVED this game on the Sega Dreamcast back in the day, however when I played it again for free on Xbox, it hasn't aged very well.  There's still something to be appreciated, this really was the first 3D open world go anyhere game that I remember playing, and now there are hundreds of them.  The most disappointing thing is that there's no Offspring in the soundtrack in this version.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Madden 18 (PS4)

Date Purchased: February 6, 2018
Date Completed: February 19, 2018
Price: Free (EA Access)

I recently reviewed Madden 17 and got a lot of mileage out of that game, the general "football" of 18 is very familar, however the new "Longshot" story mode really changes the game.  I'm sure many people skipped this portion, but it's the best part of the package as far as I'm concerned.  You start as a rookie looking to get drafted at an NFL combine, get recruited to a reality show called "The Longshot" and have to prove yourself, the end game is to get drafted.  The game plays similar to some of Telltales adventure games requiring you to make quick choices in dialogue to progress the story.  Normally I don't care for these types of games, but the characters were really done well here.  The whole thing felt like an episode (albeit a long episode) of Friday Night Lights.  The game also quizzes your general football knowledge asking you to read formations, call out positions etc. While I'm a football fan, I don't know the game inside and out, and when you fail something that anyone involved in the game should know, the game does make you feel dumb.  I was full in for the ride and enjoyed every moment of it.  There were a couple spots where you literally had to guide the ball with the left stick into the hands of the receiver, that part was dumb, but overall, this package was great.

I played some generic football, re-winning the Super Bowl with the Eagles on Pro difficulty.  It's a fine game of football still.


Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

Date Purchased: November 6, 2017
Date Completed: February 17, 2018
Price: N/A (SNES Classic)

I'm glad to have this game off my Mario game bucket list.  The title says it's the sequel to Super Mario World, but the departure is HUGE.  I don't like this game.  I've started it many times over the years but couldn't bring myself to finishing.  Thanks to the SNES Classic's ability to save anywhere I did work my way through it, it was a giant pain in the ass.  The graphics were revolutionary for the time, but look muddy now by today's standards.  Yoshi's flutter jump changes the way the game plays, but the game lacks the tight platforming Mario games are known for.  The music is good, and it has some amazing boss battles, but the general game overall fails miserably compared to other Super Mario games.  I can't recommend this.  Pass.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Titanfall 2 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  October 23, 2018
Date Completed: February 2, 2018
Price: Free (EA Access)

I remember mulling over purchasing this game of Overwatch back in the day, I eventually settled on Overwatch and that was probably the right choice given that I was looking for something with staying power, but Titanfall 2 is not to be dismissed.  Now in the mood for a short action packed campaign, Titanfall 2 Delivers.  Each level feels unique and the game throws in a variety of different mechanics each level to  make it continually fresh.  Some levels morph and transform, some give you a time travelling ability, all this and some of the best mobility I've ever experienced in a first person game.  The shooting is also good, like really good, the guns are very satisfying and have a good feel to them.  The game sounds and looks great as well, but I'm all about that gameplay.  I'm almost certain this will land on my top 10 of 2018.  High recommend.

Thursday 18 January 2018

Blossom Tales (Switch)

Date Purchased: 01/09/2018
Date Completed: 01/16/2018
Price: $20 (but my son bought it) eShop

This is a charming Zelda clone, the game is very self aware and even gives a few winks and nods to the Zelda franchise.  I'd heard some complaints it was short, but it was a decent enough length (9-10 hours) that I never felt it was a chore to move on.  The graphics are nice, the soundtrack is serviceable and it's a great little Zelda clone that fans of that series shouldn't miss. Recommend.

Top 10 of 2017

Here it is, my annual sit-down with you.

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

I played this when the Wii U launched 6 years ago and remember thinking it was "okay" ( did not exist back then).  Playing it again with my son it's much better than I remember.  I don't mind the "new" Mario aesthetic, my biggest gripe is the recycled music across that series of games, that aside this is a great Mario game.  Mario's "mid-air spin" ability which I never really took advantage of until Super Mario Maker is a true game changer.  Recommend.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Steamworld Dig 2 (Switch)

Date Purchased:  December 28, 2017
Date Completed: January 6, 2018
Price: $19.99 (eShop)

I'd heard a lot of great things about this game and was in the need of something new single player for working midnight's so I picked it up on sale.  It's okay.  It has a neat upgrade tree and some neat exploration elements to it, but in the end you spend a lot of time digging and doing little more.  The story can be completed in less than 6 hours, the length you get out of it will vary depending on your willingness to explore.  The game features a vast amount of caves which all have one obvious gear which you use for upgrades and then some more difficult gears or treasure you have to work for.  Completionists may want to find every gear and every upgrade but it's far from required to see credits, that was incredibly easy.  I did enjoy my time with it, but it's far from a must play.  I keep going back to it on occasion when I have a few minutes, but I'm not sure how long that will last.  Recommend on a sale.