Friday 21 December 2018

Onrush (PS4)

Date Purchased: December 9, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price: Free (PS+)

Onrush is game that is trying so hard to be cool, but just can't quite figure it out.  I can hear the project lead now "It will be like Overwatch and Burnout had a baby!"  The game is trying so hard to have personality, but it just lacks it in all areas.  That and loot boxes aside, the game continues to fail in the gameplay department, it's not fun.  I was a pretty big fan of the Motorsport games in the PS3 era, Motorstorm 1 convinced me to buy a PS3 when I was perfectly content with my Xbox 360, so I was quite optimistic of this game.  The system seems unique, it just lacks "thrills".  The takedowns are unpredictable, the physics are so off that at points you wonder if you're actually playing the game or not.  Just pass.

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