Tuesday 25 September 2018

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)

Date Purchased: August 20, 2018
Date Completed: September 20, 2018
Price: $15.99 (PSN)

Uncharted: Lost Legacy is an Uncharted Ass Uncharted game.  Chloe takes Nathan's place as the wise cracking protagonist, and Nadine is along for the ride but is much less fun than Sully.  The game plays very similar to the other games in the series, however one of the middle stages changes things up and makes the game far less linear.  This is the strongest part of the game.  Uncharted 4 had a few open area's as well, but not as vast as this, and with far fewer objectives.  The game looks phenomenal as it's using the gorgeous Uncharted 4 engine. The sound is fine, the characters are just slightly less charismatic.  If you're a fan of Uncharted gameplay this one's worth a look and comes with the full multiplayer suite.  Recommend.

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