Saturday 20 October 2018

Enter the Gungeon (Switch)

Date Purchased: July 22, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price: $7.80 (eShop)

Until today I had a pretty hard rule that I had to finish a game before writing a review, and I still hold that pretty close for story driven games, I'm starting to change my opinion on that.  I haven't finished "Enter the Gungeon" but I've played enough to feel I can accurately review it.  Geometry Wars on Xbox 360 was probably my most played game on that console.  Hours and hours perfecting my craft, eventually earning my most prestigious achievement "Score 1 million without dying". 

Those were different times, I had probably 10x the free time I do now, and I cannot master a game now the way I did back then.  So while I enjoyed what I've played of Enter the Gungeon and while I'll pick it up now and again, I don't think I'll ever beat it. 

Games come easier these days, I rarely have to pay out of pocket for a new experience (I guess I am paying for PS+ and Xbox Gold) and there are just too many games to play.  Enter the Gungeon is one of the better twin stick shooters out there, it's hard as heck, and I wish I was better at it.  I'll never put in the time to finish it though, and with that I cannot recommend it with those short on time and withe limited free time.  Pass.

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