Wednesday 10 January 2018

Steamworld Dig 2 (Switch)

Date Purchased:  December 28, 2017
Date Completed: January 6, 2018
Price: $19.99 (eShop)

I'd heard a lot of great things about this game and was in the need of something new single player for working midnight's so I picked it up on sale.  It's okay.  It has a neat upgrade tree and some neat exploration elements to it, but in the end you spend a lot of time digging and doing little more.  The story can be completed in less than 6 hours, the length you get out of it will vary depending on your willingness to explore.  The game features a vast amount of caves which all have one obvious gear which you use for upgrades and then some more difficult gears or treasure you have to work for.  Completionists may want to find every gear and every upgrade but it's far from required to see credits, that was incredibly easy.  I did enjoy my time with it, but it's far from a must play.  I keep going back to it on occasion when I have a few minutes, but I'm not sure how long that will last.  Recommend on a sale.

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