Monday 17 September 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops III (PS4)

Date Purchased: June 11, 2018
Date Completed: September 13, 2018
Price: Free (PS+)

I was pretty excited to see this become free during Sony's E3 presentation, it's one of the few COD titles I haven't played.  I hadn't heard the greatest things about this one, and it turns out the critics/podcasters were right. The game looks and sounds nice, the shooting is fine, the mechanics are fine, but the story is all over the place dealing with mind control, the human spirit, the ability to think freely, and the influence of machines on our own critical thinking.  It's a mess.  Why can't it just be about a terrorist takedown like the games of old?  I don't need bioshock in my COD.  I didn't mess with the multi as that's not really my jam.  Pass.

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