Friday 23 March 2018

Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: February 6, 2018
Date Completed: March 07, 2018
Price: Free (EA Access)

I remember enjoying the first Mirror's Edge game on Xbox 360, so while I'd heard some negative things about this one, I decided it was worth a try despite what the critics were saying.  The game is okay, I got hung up at the beginning about perfecting runs, but when that seemed near impossible, I just mainlined the "story" (which is shit by the way) and completed the campaign.  The graphics are nice, this series has a futuristic minimalistic vibe that I appreciate, the sound minus the voice acting is fine as well.  The gameplay though, I mean it's fun doing all this parkour, but at some point you'll realize you're just following a red line from point A to point B pressing buttons with very generous room for error.  Until the last couple levels, it's like Uncharted platforming, where if you die, it's because you did something really stupid.  Pass.

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