Wednesday 21 February 2018

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)

Date Purchased: November 6, 2017
Date Completed: February 17, 2018
Price: N/A (SNES Classic)

I'm glad to have this game off my Mario game bucket list.  The title says it's the sequel to Super Mario World, but the departure is HUGE.  I don't like this game.  I've started it many times over the years but couldn't bring myself to finishing.  Thanks to the SNES Classic's ability to save anywhere I did work my way through it, it was a giant pain in the ass.  The graphics were revolutionary for the time, but look muddy now by today's standards.  Yoshi's flutter jump changes the way the game plays, but the game lacks the tight platforming Mario games are known for.  The music is good, and it has some amazing boss battles, but the general game overall fails miserably compared to other Super Mario games.  I can't recommend this.  Pass.

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