Friday 30 December 2022

Vampire Survivors

The internet is going crazy for this game, and while I quite enjoy it, I feel like I'm missing something.  It's too ... easy?  I did struggle with a couple spot, but the premise is "reverse bullet hell".  If you ever played R-Type or 1942, even Geometry Wars, you're constantly avoiding bullets.  This game claims you will "Be the bullet hell" ... it's neat, and I'm somewhat enthralled by it, probably because I've never played anything quite like it.  I recommend you give it a spin.  It did land on my top 10 this year so....recommend.

Thursday 8 December 2022

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox Series X)

I heavily criticized Overwatch 2 for being too similar to the first game, Modern Warfare 2 is very similar to the Modern Warfare that came out in 2019, but there are a few differences that make this game worthwhile.  1.  New Maps!  Every map on release is new, the first wave of additional content is unfortunately old maps, but the new ones released has many good ones.  There only new map that is genuinely horrible is the border crossing map, but still, it's new. The rest of the package features some minor tweaks to gameplay, but you know what you're getting here and that's fine with me.  Unfortunately I haven't had my regular crew playing this game yet, but that could happen in January when things slow down a bit.  I love this game and hate it at the same time.  I have great games, I get wrecked a lot too, but I keep coming back for that fast paced frantic action.  Recommend.

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Overwatch Too (Xbox Series X)

I loved the original Overwatch, so naturally, I would love Overwatch 2 right?  Unfortunately, this game is more Overwatch and little more.  You could say Call of Duty, EA Sports franchises do the same, and while I'd agree that the sports games do very little to refresh, at least a shooter like Call of Duty comes out with a new game with new maps, modes and campaign.   Overwatch 2 adds one new hero, a new map, some gameplay tweaks and little more.  This game adds a battle pass which has me missing the mystery of the loot box, I could go on but I won't bother.  If you've never played Overwatch, I absolutely recommend you try.  If you played it to death?  You won't find much new here.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Prodeus (Xbox Series X and PC via Game Pass)

I downloaded this after hearing good things about it and was initially wowed by it.  Classic FPS gameplay with modern elements. The graphics are a throwback but look really good and a soundtrack that rocks as hard as your 90's tape collection.  Unfortunately, about 2/3rds of the way through I started to feel the game was losing its appeal.  Upgrades and purchasing weapons are a grind and the enemy's become sponges.  I still saw it through, but I feel like it would have been better with a handful less levels.  Still at the end of the day I recommend, but I understand if you don't Kill 'Em All.  

Friday 30 September 2022

Splatoon 3 (Nintendo Switch)

My son and I split on this purchase as we both played A LOT of Splatoon 2.  I jumped into campaign and really enjoyed it, but in the back of my mind I thought I should be playing multiplayer as I knew my Nintendo Switch Online was running out soon and I'd have to renew if I wanted to keep playing multi.  I couldn't pull myself away from the inventive level design of the campaign, the "one more try" challenges and the epic boss fights.   When I finished the story I had about a week left of my NSO account remaining.  I jumped into multiplayer and found it to be so strikingly similar to Splatoon 2 I fell off pretty quickly.  I didn't renew my online and the game is now sitting there unplayed.  That's not to say I don't recommend this game, I still have 20 or so hours invested and if you're new to Splat multiplayer, I think it has incredible value.  I'm just done with the formula to the point I'm not willing to pay $40 more to keep playing.  Recommend.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

TMNT Shredders Revenge (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

This game received a lot of critical acclaim and while I did enjoy my time with it, I found it rather forgettable.  Even after getting through 80% of the campaign I put it aside and completely forgot to finish it until I was looking through my game history.  I did eventually finish it off, but ultimately I think I played this under the wrong conditions...alone.  I think in a group it would be fun, but my kids are conditioned to only play competitive multiplayer, so they had no interest.  The games well done and well worth playing on game pass, but likely not something you need to go spend real money on.  Pass.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

GRID Legends (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

After hundreds of hours in Forza Horizon 5 I decided to expand my horizons (heh) a bit and try out Grid Legends on Game Pass.  I was not disappointed.  I finished off the story mode and the gameplay is good enough in this arcade racer to make me want to keep coming back.  The problem is, there are just too many other games to play, racing or not.  I quite enjoyed this story mode even though I hated my team mate.  I'm out here winning every race and the way the story is put together, she gets all the credit.  It's a game, they can't make unique stories for every outcome, but still, give Driver 22 a little more love.  Recommend.


Mario Kart Deluxe Booster Pack 2 (Switch)

I now realize I didn't review the booster pack 1, and I won't.  Fact of the matter is I'm tired of Mario Kart 8 gameplay at this point and even new tracks aren't enough to keep me coming back.  Pass.

Monday 12 September 2022

Tinykin (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Pikmin as a 3D platformer is how this game is described by many and I'd have to agree.  Tinykin is an another amazing indie game I finished that far exceeded any expectations...well...I had no expectations, this game came out of nowhere.  I haven't felt this level of exploration in a long time where I was constantly thinking "I wonder what's up there?" "How do I get there" only to be delighted by something hiding.  I feel like too often I compare games to Breath of the Wild, but this gave me those same vibes where there's something hiding around every corner.  The gameplay is fun I found the actual platforming a touch frustrating at times however.  Still, that's not enough to hold this one back from a high recommendation. 

Wednesday 31 August 2022

House Flipper (Xbox/PC via Game Pass)

 House flipper is NOT a simulation, I repeat, HOUSE FLIPPER IS NOT A SIMULATION.   I've played a number of the "Simulator" games, and while those are more accurate to the real life activity, it can also make it much more mundane.

House flipper lets you buy houses, paint walls in minutes, clean up a property with a few swipes of the broom.  These activities in the "Simulator" series would take hours and days.  I can clean an entire property, paint the walls, redecorate the entire place in under an hour, where I'd still be on the outside facade trying to do the same in Power Wash Simulator.

The game is great and really has endless possibilities.  I 100% completed it and wish there was more.  Thankfully they've announced a House Flipper 2.  High recommend.

Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels DLC (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Forza Horizon 5 is my most played game on Xbox by far, I was eagerly awaiting the DLC but ultimately found myself relatively disappointed in the DLC.  It's drastically different from the main game, and while that could be looked at as a plus, to me I found it to be quite disappointing.  Gone is the vast open world in return for what feels like an old school track racer.  It looks pretty, but in my mind, that's all it really has going for it.  Pass.

Sp!ng (Apple Arcade)

Sping at it's core is a chill puzzle platformer.  You spin your way through each level collecting gems and must collect them all to 3 star the level.  I did that.  On all of them.  It controls well and has a very relaxed vibe to it.  Loved it.  High recommend.

Saturday 2 July 2022

Disc Room (PC via Game Pass)

Devolver Digital does it again.  Another indie type game that had me coming back again and again.  This is a simple to pick up, hard to put down game that tries your patience as you try to navigate spinning discs in each room.  You unlock some abilities to make things easier, but the game has you second guessing your strategies as you progress.  You can shelf this game for weeks if you're getting frustrated and pick right up where you left off.  Twitch reflexes from games like Geometry Wars helps.  Recommend.


Tuesday 31 May 2022

Gorogoa (PC via Game Pass)

The smartest game I beat but never played.  Started this up for a game pass quest and was amazed at how intelligent it is.  I felt like an idiot but was amazed at what was happening when I got things right.  A puzzle game that would eventually be beat through trial and error, but I just watched YouTube videos played along.  It's unlike anything I've ever seen and would have to be played/watched to appreciate.  Recommend you give a look.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Hue (Xbox Series X via Games with Gold)

Everyone snickers at Games with Gold and for the most part, they have a right to.  The monthly selection has been horrible for years now, but this game caught my eye.  I enjoy a puzzle platformer and usually that quota is filled by Game Pass.  Hugh plays with colours as you traverse various stages, most of them being a one screen puzzle you complete before moving onto the next.  It's not overly difficult, although I did get stuck a few times here and there.  Eventually I powered through only using a guide once, and that was when my son Cole gave me some advice, little did I know he was watching a walkthrough as he provided it.  It's a great game with a charming little story.  Recommend.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One)

I received this as a Christmas gift last year, being a huge fan of the series  this is one that I'd yet to play. My son AJ spotted through the doors when he was only granted to permission to window shop at Value Village.  $20 Brand new and sealed too! Instantly on firing up I realized this was going to be a tough sell.  Forza Horizon 4 and 5 look so much better optimized for series X/S.  After some time though, I stopped playing those games and focused solely on 3.  My eyes adjusted and I saw it for the gem it really is.  I really enjoyed my time with this game, the setting is one of the best in the series with lots of interesting places to visit.  It's a tough sell in 2022 because the online community has moved on twice over now, but I have no regrets and I'm glad to say I played it.  Recommend in 2016, but play one of the newer games if you have the opportunity to.

Monday 25 April 2022

Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

This game has been around for a while, I'd never heard of it, but when it showed up on Game Pass I thought I'd give it a try.  I really enjoyed it.  This is at it's core a very small Zelda like game.  Not all the jokes hit but I liked the art style, music and puzzle solving.  Never overly difficult, I had a good time with the 3-4 hours it took to complete.  Recommend.

MLB The Show 22 (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Last year I put significant time into this game, Diamond Dynasty had me collecting cards from my youth, doing daily challenges etc.  I couldn't get enough.  This years installment feels strikingly similar and the thought of doing all those challenges to build a virtual team all over again just didn't feel like a good use of time to me.  I unlocked all 1000 achievements, but feel little desire to go back to the game now.  Happens every year with The Show for me, excitement followed by the disappointment of how long it takes to play a 9 inning game.  Pass for me.

Wednesday 20 April 2022

Exo One (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I started this game a month or two ago and aimlessly rolled around the environment for a while and quickly dismissed it.  I tried it again this past Monday and by Tuesday, I saw it completed.  I didn't marathon the game, it's just pretty short, but it's going to stick with me for a long long time.  It's fairly common for me to enjoy games that are silent for the most part, and this game is the ultimate example of that.  You are ALONE in this game, there aren't even enemies, your goal is to traverse the environment and find the exit which is usually quite clear.  The graphics and sound are very engrossing, I was captivated the entire way.   I got an achievement for completed the game in under 3 hours, but I wasn't going for it.  Once completed I jumped back in trying to knock out a few achievements, but that's not how I want to experience this game.  I want to remember it fondly, rolling and flying around a vast expanse while a gentle guitar plays as I navigate the universe.  Recommend.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Race with Ryan (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Where Paw Patrol was a pleasant surprise, Racing with Ryan was exactly what I expected ... a bad kart racer with sloppy controls, poor physics, annoying sounds and lack of tracks.  Pass.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I downloaded this as a joke, started playing it infront of my kids as a joke, then finding myself firing it up on my own time.  No joke.  This is an EXTREMEMLY simple platformer, it's mind numbingly easy with minigames that are similarly simple.  It doesn't control great, Riders voice isn't even close, but I have to admit, it looks pretty nice.  I kept playing as I've been a bit of an achievement hunter lately going for that 1000/1000 when it seems plausible.  I'll admit, I liked it, but I can't recommend it.   Ridiculously easy 1000 but will take a few hours to complete.  Pass.

Thursday 31 March 2022

A Memoir Blue (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

2022 is turning into the year of the indie for me and this is one you should skip unless you want easy achievements.  A story told in 45 minutes or so with very little interaction.  I found the story to be sad and sweet, but told better in other places/mediums. Pass.

Monday 28 March 2022

Tunic (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Full disclosure, I turned on some accessibility options at the very end of this game.  

I'd heard this game was inspired by Zelda, and while I can see why there are some comparisons, I don't feel it's as good as those games.  That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time with Tunic, it has some really great ideas and I genuinely enjoyed the time I decided to put into the game.  I'd heard how incredibly difficult this game was and coming fresh off of giving up on Elden Ring, I wasn't sure I'd see it through.  Strangely I didn't find the game that difficult (until the end) where I learned I got the "bad ending".  So, 2 options, write this, or keep plugging away trying to get the "good ending".  

I'm going to close the book on Tunic and walk away with fond memories rather than banging my head on the wall repeatedly.   I looked up what I need to do to get the good ending, and in this case it's an argument of time vs. reward.  I don't feel it's worth my time and frustration.  Graphics and art style are top notch, I loved the level design.  I have a hard time recommending this game to anyone, but if you have game pass, why wouldn't you at least give it a try?  Go for it.

Monday 21 March 2022

Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Another big AAA title came to Game Pass and while I admit I'm not the biggest Guardians/Marvel fan, the game did appeal to me.  Bright vibrant colors, a humourous story, compelling visuals, great soundtrack, all the ingredients were there.  

After an hour or so I was a bit concerned as I seemed to be doing just as much watching as I was playing.  I've said many times before how I don't like my games overly "talky", but the writing and voice acting is quite good in this one, the story is engaging as well that I powered through.  That doesn't change, the game has A LOT of dialogue/cut scenes.  

When we do break to action the combat is satisfying although quite repetitive.  By late in the game it becomes a bit of a rinse/repeat process.  I finished the game in around 20 hours which is quite long considering this is strictly single player.

When all is said and done I'd recommend this game to just about anyone who has the attention span to get through the cut scenes.  

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firewatch (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I just finished putting down my thoughts on "Far: Changing Tides" and mentioning how I don't like overly "talky" games.  Firewatch is extremely talky and I LOVED IT.  I can't stop thinking about it really, wishing it would go on.  The complex relationship between your player and Delilah in the other tower was captivating.  You never see Delilah, but there's clearly some chemistry between the two of you, sometimes good, sometimes bad.  It's easy to get lost in the environment early on, but by the end you'll be skipping over fallen trees, jumping down rocks and climbing through caves just from memory, it feels like a real place.  The story goes some places and while it didn't end the way I was expecting or wanting, it was still an experience I'll likely never forget.   It will be some time before I play another game that captivated me like this one, and that makes me sad.  I want more.  Highest recommend.

Far: Changing Tides (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

It's always a delight when a game shows up out of nowhere that you find yourself thoroughly enjoying.  I typically don't like games that are overly "talky", I believe I've mentioned preferring the silent protagonist in past reviews.  This game is quiet, very quiet, which is exactly what I'm looking for when I want to chill in the evenings after a day of work and parenting.  This game is soothing, the quiet of the ocean, the wind through your sails, there is some music, but it's very understated.  It takes a little time to get  used to all of your vehicles mechanics, but once you do, it's a treat navigating the waters below and above though the games 4-6 hour length.  I highly recommend this game and if it doesn't land on my top 10 at years end, well then it was an amazing year for games.  High recommend.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Lawn Mowing Simulator - Unfinished (Xbox/PC via Game Pass)

Curiosity got the best of me on this one and for a weekend in February I quite enjoyed the peaceful nature of mowing the lawn.  I enjoyed the game although it does get quite monotonous, I couldn't find a POV that I liked either, something just never felt right as I was constantly switching cameras.  The game requires precision, it just doesn't control well enough to simulate the real thing.  Pass.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Elden Ring - Unfinished (Xbox Series X)

This is one of the best games I've ever played that I'll likely never finish.  I love making progress in games, completing games, daily challenges etc.  This game does not scratch that itch, but I can't stop thinking about it, wanting to play it.  Problem is, I all but rage quit and find myself going back the next day.  When will this cycle end?  Maybe soon, maybe never.  I'm just writing this here because A) Nobody reads this but me.  And B) I don't want to forget about this game when GOTY time comes.  This is an exceptional game.  Recommend everyone try it.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

What Remains of Edith Finch (Xbox One via Game Pass)

Another game I started due to a Game Pass quest but ended up seeing through to the end.  It's a very strange story I still haven't quite wrapped my head around.  Is it actually a game?  I guess you press buttons and move around an environment to progress the story, but ultimately that, the story is what pushes this game.  Do I recommend?  Perhaps if you enjoy narrative over gameplay.  For those looking for something different/a break from "shooty shooty bang bang" or "engine go brrrrr", recommend.

Windjammers 2 (Xbox One via Game Pass)

I was never a fan of the original Windjammers, not that I actively disliked it, I just don't think I ever played it.  It's one of those titles I've heard a lot about over the years, I just never had the platform to play it.  This is a fun competitive frisbee game.  I've heard it compared to a fighting game and with the number of "moves" at your disposal I totally see the comparison.  It's like a fighting game at long range.  I think you should check it out on game pass.  Recommend.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

The Gunk (PC via Game Pass)

A lot of podcasts I listen to were discussing this game, not necessarily praising it, but saying it's worth checking out.  I'd agree, it's worth checking out, and while I finished it, I can't say it's a must play.  It's a relatively friendly platformer that's not overly difficult.   It comes from the team who made the Steamworld games which received critical acclaim (although not from me), and well, maybe this studio just isn't for me.  Their games just seem fine to me.  Pass.

Top 10 Games of 2021


Saturday 1 January 2022

Halo Infinite (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

So long in the making and so highly anticipated, finally we have Halo Infinite.  They released the multiplayer portion of this game early, I didn't want them to.  At the time I was knee deep into Call of Duty: Vanguard and Forza Horizon 5.  I started playing it because of the hype and have put maybe an hour or two back into Vanguard.  The gameplay feels fresh, it looks great, and has some satisfying hooks.  I have a bunch of friends playing as well and even get the kids in the mix.  It's Halo multiplayer at it's finest and hopefully some new maps keeps the game fresh in the months to come.

The campaign is really good.  I really enjoyed my time with it an wish there was more, however the lack of environments and the repetitive gameplay loop (even though I loved it) has me thinking this game could have been much more.  You're free to explore, but there's little incentive.  Given how long Breath of the Wild has been out, I find it hard to believe they didn't pick up some cues from that game and tuck a few more little secrets throughout the vast environments.  

Regardless, if you're a fan of Halo or a fan of games, this is definitely worth checking out.  Recommend.

Forza Horizon 5 (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

It's January 1 2022, and I feel I still haven't completed this game.  I'm late to review it but it's tough to decide to wrap it up when I'm still playing it every day.  I've played every Forza Horizon game, but after putting some serious time into this one, I now feel like I've played all the previous games wrong.  I always got a little "bored" after some time grinding out races, but the funny thing about Forza Horizon 5, is I like the actual racing the least. There is a lot to explore and discover, there are some dumbed down "Tony Hawk" like challenges, huge ramps, photography missions, then there's the weekly seasons giving you new reasons to play the game differently every week.  I finally played with the livery editor and had a great time.  This will always be my game of quarantine and of Christmas 2021.  So much time spent in Mexico and more to come.  A masterpiece in gameplay.  Highest recommendation.