Tuesday 8 March 2022

Far: Changing Tides (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

It's always a delight when a game shows up out of nowhere that you find yourself thoroughly enjoying.  I typically don't like games that are overly "talky", I believe I've mentioned preferring the silent protagonist in past reviews.  This game is quiet, very quiet, which is exactly what I'm looking for when I want to chill in the evenings after a day of work and parenting.  This game is soothing, the quiet of the ocean, the wind through your sails, there is some music, but it's very understated.  It takes a little time to get  used to all of your vehicles mechanics, but once you do, it's a treat navigating the waters below and above though the games 4-6 hour length.  I highly recommend this game and if it doesn't land on my top 10 at years end, well then it was an amazing year for games.  High recommend.

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