Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firewatch (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I just finished putting down my thoughts on "Far: Changing Tides" and mentioning how I don't like overly "talky" games.  Firewatch is extremely talky and I LOVED IT.  I can't stop thinking about it really, wishing it would go on.  The complex relationship between your player and Delilah in the other tower was captivating.  You never see Delilah, but there's clearly some chemistry between the two of you, sometimes good, sometimes bad.  It's easy to get lost in the environment early on, but by the end you'll be skipping over fallen trees, jumping down rocks and climbing through caves just from memory, it feels like a real place.  The story goes some places and while it didn't end the way I was expecting or wanting, it was still an experience I'll likely never forget.   It will be some time before I play another game that captivated me like this one, and that makes me sad.  I want more.  Highest recommend.

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