Wednesday 20 April 2022

Exo One (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I started this game a month or two ago and aimlessly rolled around the environment for a while and quickly dismissed it.  I tried it again this past Monday and by Tuesday, I saw it completed.  I didn't marathon the game, it's just pretty short, but it's going to stick with me for a long long time.  It's fairly common for me to enjoy games that are silent for the most part, and this game is the ultimate example of that.  You are ALONE in this game, there aren't even enemies, your goal is to traverse the environment and find the exit which is usually quite clear.  The graphics and sound are very engrossing, I was captivated the entire way.   I got an achievement for completed the game in under 3 hours, but I wasn't going for it.  Once completed I jumped back in trying to knock out a few achievements, but that's not how I want to experience this game.  I want to remember it fondly, rolling and flying around a vast expanse while a gentle guitar plays as I navigate the universe.  Recommend.

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