Friday 30 September 2022

Splatoon 3 (Nintendo Switch)

My son and I split on this purchase as we both played A LOT of Splatoon 2.  I jumped into campaign and really enjoyed it, but in the back of my mind I thought I should be playing multiplayer as I knew my Nintendo Switch Online was running out soon and I'd have to renew if I wanted to keep playing multi.  I couldn't pull myself away from the inventive level design of the campaign, the "one more try" challenges and the epic boss fights.   When I finished the story I had about a week left of my NSO account remaining.  I jumped into multiplayer and found it to be so strikingly similar to Splatoon 2 I fell off pretty quickly.  I didn't renew my online and the game is now sitting there unplayed.  That's not to say I don't recommend this game, I still have 20 or so hours invested and if you're new to Splat multiplayer, I think it has incredible value.  I'm just done with the formula to the point I'm not willing to pay $40 more to keep playing.  Recommend.

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