Monday 28 March 2022

Tunic (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Full disclosure, I turned on some accessibility options at the very end of this game.  

I'd heard this game was inspired by Zelda, and while I can see why there are some comparisons, I don't feel it's as good as those games.  That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time with Tunic, it has some really great ideas and I genuinely enjoyed the time I decided to put into the game.  I'd heard how incredibly difficult this game was and coming fresh off of giving up on Elden Ring, I wasn't sure I'd see it through.  Strangely I didn't find the game that difficult (until the end) where I learned I got the "bad ending".  So, 2 options, write this, or keep plugging away trying to get the "good ending".  

I'm going to close the book on Tunic and walk away with fond memories rather than banging my head on the wall repeatedly.   I looked up what I need to do to get the good ending, and in this case it's an argument of time vs. reward.  I don't feel it's worth my time and frustration.  Graphics and art style are top notch, I loved the level design.  I have a hard time recommending this game to anyone, but if you have game pass, why wouldn't you at least give it a try?  Go for it.

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