Thursday 25 February 2016

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (PS3)

Date Purchased: December 19, 2012
Date Completed: February 25, 2016
Price: Free (PS+)

Wow, this one is from deep inside the archives, originally "purchased" almost a full year before the concept of the pile of shame game tracking was conceived by me.  With the hype behind the release of SFV, I decided to re-download this massive (by PS3 standards) 18GB game.   I'm no stranger to Street Fighter IV, and have actually reviewed it before on the 3DS.  I played the original SFIV quite a bit on the PS3 back in the day, but nothing will ever compare to the original SFII on the SNES that I sunk hundreds of hours into with family and friends.  So, what's new in this arcade edition?  I honestly couldn't tell you.  I played through a story mode, beat that jerk Seth (so cheap) played a handful of online matches and quit when I ended on a win streak (may as well go out on a high note) and couldn't tell any difference between this and vanilla SFIV.   Quite fun still however.  Right now I say I'll play more, but we'll see if that actually happens.

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