Wednesday 24 February 2016

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4)

Date Purchased:  November 27, 2015
Date Completed: February 21, 2015

Price: $8.25 (PSN)

Have I mentioned how much I loved Wolfenstein: The New Order?  Well, I did, like a lot, like Pile of Shame GOTY contender a lot.  So after completing TNI I jumped straight into it’s DLC/Standalone companion “The Old Blood”.  The old blood is … different. So much different that I’d recommend skipping it altogether, and definitely not playing it first  to see things happen in chronological order as this is in fact a prequel.  The gameplay is a tad bit more stealthy in the first half, and much more action packed in the second.  The two halves of this game differ so greatly, I had to go to Wikipedia to ascertain whether these were originally intended to be two separate games.  Sure enough, this was originally intended to be two different DLC packs that they combined into a single package.  I wish they would have kept it as DLC as I probably wouldn’t have played it and it wouldn’t have left the somewhat sour taste in my mouth after the delicious “New Order” (I don’t remember ever buying DLC unless it’s packed in).   Pass.

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