Monday 8 February 2016

Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4)

Date Purchased: November 26, 2015
Date Completed:  February 6, 2016
Price: $8.10 (PSN)

Best $8 I’ve spent in a long time.  What a fantastic game.   I’m so happy I pulled the trigger and picked this and “The Old Blood” up at that Thanksgiving sale.  I picked up, and played, GTAV in the same sale, but this game, for me, was so much more fun than GTA.   Big guns, great immersive story, little down time to cool the engines and then right back at it.  It’s so nice to see a developer put all their efforts into a single player campaign and not focus on multiplayer first,   Bioshock, Last of Us, Wolfenstein, I do believe they all belong in the same category, and will forever be remembered as some of my fondest gaming memories.  This is a throwback shooter, if you’re not familiar with shooters from 10 or 20 years ago, don’t fret, you’ll be just fine, although you may question some of the design choices.  Health packs?  Pressing an “action button” to open doors, pick up items etc?  While somewhat tiresome, I never had a real issue with either of them, there’s plenty of health to be found and I never fell victim to a “bad save” resulting in insta-death like some old shooters of the past.  I did not buy this game for the story, so it’s narrative, characters and story telling were a huge and delightful surprise.  The main protagonist is awesome as are the supporting cast.  The game forces you to make a decision early on which affects the rest of the game and encourages a second play through.  With little else on the pile, I may just do that.  Recommend?  Absolutely.

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