Wednesday 24 February 2016

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (PS3)

Date Purchased: December 15, 2015
Date Completed: February 24, 2016
Price: Free (PS+)

With no pile of games to go through, I went through my downloaded games and decided to start a few of them and see if anything hooked.  Well, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon did.  Big time.  I really enjoyed the game despite hating it's presentation.  The color palette and overall visual style bothered me, but I enjoyed the gameplay so much I kept coming back...well...3 times anyways.  I finished this off in a few sittings which is rare for me, but the game is quite short.  I didn't bother with any side quests but had little difficulty finishing the game without any upgrades.  Fun game, hilariously bad story (which was the intent).   Recommend.

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