Saturday 5 March 2016

NFL Blitz [2012] (PS3)

Date Purchased: January 4, 2012
Date Completed: February 28, 2016
Price: $14.99 (PSN)

With no games on the pile I decided to go back and play some game from the archive.  NFL Blitz I never really gave a fair shot when it was released.  I went through a dark period of gaming, adjusting to having kids and the challenges which come with that.  Somewhere in those days I bought NFL Blitz, played a handful of games but eventually let it collect virtual dust.  I recently picked it back up and ... yup ... that's NFL Blitz.

Blitz is a great game, my brother and I have many many hours logged into the PS1 version of the game and had a pretty heated rivalry.  That game was fantastic.  The novelty of it wore off over the years, and even 14 years later, it was clear the love affair was over.  This is a very good version of Blitz, but the couch rivalry is what made this game so much fun.

This particular version seems fine, the graphics look nice, it has team specific stadiums, the announcers are great, seems like a great package right?  It probably is, but without the late hits, in the game or on the couch, this game is pretty dull.  I tried finding some online opponents, but 4 years after release, I couldn't find a match. 

If you have someone to play with regularly, you can probably have a great time with this game.  If you're going to play the CPU, pass.

This will always be my jam.

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