Saturday 19 March 2016

Pilotwings Resort (3DS)

Date Purchased: September 5, 2012
Date Completed: March 16, 2016
Price: $12.50 (eBay)

As I looked up the purchase date of this game, I can't believe I've had my 3DS this long.  Wow.  Okay, Pilotwings, a launch game for the 3DS and 4 years later, obviously so.  This game is pretty bare bones, and despite getting generally positive reviews, this game is pretty bad.  I loved Pilotwings on the SNES, and even more so on the N64.  It was the release of the SNES version on the 3DS eShop that convinced me to dig this out of storage and give it another shot.

What I enjoyed most about the predecessors was how relaxing these games were.  They had great music, and a unique style.  This version of the game imports Mii characters, which I've never been overly fond of.  I never play as a my Mii in Mario Kart or Smash Bros.   The Mii characters detracts from the atmosphere of the original games and makes them feel much more generic.  The music is repetitive and the mission variety is lacking.  I found some fun in the "open world" mode, but that mode only lets you play for 2 minutes or so.

So, unfortunately this game did not scratch the Pilotwings itch I was hoping it would, and I still find myself tempted to pick up the SNES version again.  Must fight the urge.  Pilotwings SNES?  Recommend!  64?  Absolutely!  Resort?  Pass.

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