Sunday 6 March 2016

Mario Kart DS (DS)

Date Purchased:  November 14, 2005/Summer 2013
Date Completed: March 6, 2016
Price: $20 (Pawn Shop)

I owned this game many years ago and played it extensively, unlocking all the karts, courses, modes. Gold medalling every circuit forward and mirrored.  I then sold it somewhere along the line and repurchased it a few years ago when my son Cole was jealous of my Mario Kart 7.  The other night we were watching a bunch of classic game room and watched Marks' review and we decided to dig it out of storage.

I've played quite a bit, Cole got a new Lego set and has put videogames on the backburner, which is okay, as the game can sit permanently in my new 3DS. 

This is a great Mario Kart, one of my favorites.  I feel the driving is some of the most "pure" in the series.  The track design is great, the roster is big enough for my taste, and it holds that Mario Kart charm that's missing from Mario Kart 7 (more on that game in a future entry).  In my most recent play through I got gold on all the 150cc tracks (which was harder than it should have been) and played some multi via download play.  My fondest memories are playing the game at Rondeau, and competing for time trial times with my friend Ken.  The game still holds up great despite the fact that the online has been taken down.  I'm glad we have this game in our collection, 11 years after release it still looks and plays great.  Recommend.

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