Saturday 19 March 2016

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  September 16, 2015
Date Completed:  March 14, 2016
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

I completed the original version of this game just about 2 years ago.  I picked up it's sequel "Rise of the Tomb Raider and felt compelled to play the first one again as it had been so long since I played it's "prequel".  Knowing I had the "Definitive Edition" to try, I went ahead and played that version of it.

Graphically it looks quite a bit nicer, my original thoughts on the game haven't changed much, but I'd be apt to giving it a little more praise this time around.  My reviews have evolved over the years.  The game plays very well, the combat is fun, the sound is solid, and the story is pretty good too.  There is a lot to upgrade/collect which was fun for a second playthrough.  I find myself playing "Rise" in the same way, and it's a little distracting, but I'm hooked at finding things now.

The game took anywhere from 10-15 hours, and I enjoyed my second run through.  If you've played it originally on older generation consoles, there's no need to go back, but on it's own, it's definitely worth a romp.  Recommend.

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