Tuesday 27 October 2020

Streets of Rage 4 (Xbox One)

Continuing my quest to play some "smaller, less graphic intensive" games on Game Pass before the launch of the Series X I decided to give Streets of Rage 4 a shot.  Coming off of Battle Toads this is a lot of beat-em-ups.  Streets of Rage 4 is a more traditional take on the genre and the actual "beating upping" feels better, is a little deeper and allows for more variety.  It lacks in level variety compared to Battle Toads, but that's not a fault.  Streets of Rage 4 was a fun romp, and while I played it on "easy" I'd recommend bumping that up to normal as it didn't present any challenge ... at all.  While I regret not playing it on a more difficult setting, there wasn't enough there to make me want to go back and play it again ... yet.  A second play through may be in my future as I quite enjoyed my time with this game.  Recommend.

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