Sunday 6 October 2019

Gears of War 4 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: n/a
Date Completed: September 20, 2019
Price: GamePass

I signed up with Xbox GamePass, 2 months for $2 and what an incredible value it's been  First game I played was one that's been on my radar for some time.  Gears 4.  The game was fun, relatively short, and definitely a Gears game.  Been here, done this was my thought process at the completion.  The story was good and I was happy to see Marcus come back.  I still like the original cast of characters better than the new crew, but that's just nostalgia.  You know what you're getting here, so if you like Gears gameplay, you'll likely enjoy this one.  Not a "must play" by any means, but I enjoyed it.  Recommend.

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