Sunday 6 October 2019

Gears 5 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: n/a
Date Completed: September 30, 2019
Price: GamePass

Going straight from Gears 4 into Gears 5, I was concerned I'd feel burnt out, but where Gears 4 felt like a complete rip from the original series, Gears 5 feels fresh.  The new characters have much more "character" for lack of a better term.  The story takes a number of unexpected turns, the game has an open world (although it feels kind of pointless), an upgrade mechanic, many new abilities, and just feels like a new game.  This might be the best gears game yet.  I really really enjoyed it.  The difficulty ramps up quite significantly on the standard difficulty and really makes you think about your upgrades.  The final boss had me pretty angry lol.  High recommendation.

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