Monday 17 October 2016

Gravity Rush (Vita)

Date Purchased: December 2013
Date Completed:  October 17, 2016
Price: Free (PS+)

What a weird game. I remember briefly trying this when I got my Vita and quickly dismissing it, but with the talk of the sequel lately and reading that it's on Kotaku's "best of Vita" list I decided to give it another try.   I remembered in no time why I put it down the first time, the game is really weird.   The gameplay and concepts are cool (at first) but the Japanese Anime story is really, really strange.  Nothing I'm accustomed to.  The open world and ability to shift gravity is nifty, but tires quickly and becomes disorienting.  The combat is just plain bad, and the enemy variety is very thin.  I finished it in a coulple weeks primarily playing at work, but this one will be immediately deleted from my memory stick, and hopefully my personal memory as well.  Pass.

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