Saturday 29 October 2016

DNF: Assassins Creed: Black Flag (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: April 15, 2015
Date Deleted: October 20, 2016
Price: Free (Games with Gold)
Time Wasted:  6 hours

*DNF - "Did Not Finish"

I've always wanted to at least "try" an Assassins Creed game ... and now I have.  I hated this game. I've been persistent and finished a lot of shitty games over the years, but 6 hours in with potentially 20 or more to go, I just couldn't go on with this one.  From the unlikable protagonist, to the convoluted story, the janky controls, the billion meaningless tasks.  Nope.

I hate having an unfinished game on here, but I'm the only one who reads this, so I'll just have to get over my OCD.  This was a launch game, and in that case, probably filled that long drought between releases for many people, those people probably also like pirates and pirate movies.  Me?  I hate pirates (those Caribbean movies all suck) and I never have a drought.  I must admit I did like the sailing and the shanties, but by all means, pass

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