Sunday 30 October 2016

Downwell (Vita)

Date Purchased: October 15
Date Completed: N/A
Price: $1.99

I like Downwell, so much so that I've purchased it twice, once on my phone, and now on PSN.  The PSN version is much better simply due to the physical buttons and tactile controls.  The game play is simple in concept, but difficult to master.  The presentation is also very simple, but it has a good style and a lot of optional variants in terms of palettes etc. The game controls are very tight and you'll be finding yourself saying "one more game" many games later.  I've yet to reach the bottom of the well (very few have, ultra rare trophy of only 3.1% completion), but have unlocked just about everything and am confident I'll get there one day.  Recommend.

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