Friday 10 April 2015

The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)

Date Purchased:  December 29, 2014
Date Completed: April 10, 2015
Price: $22 (eBay PSN Download Voucher)

This game intimidated me. It took me a long time to even start playing because I never felt ready to tackle a game that's received so much praise and recognition, so I kept playing shorter games, re-masters of games I've played before, or genre's I was "comfortable" with. My experience with "Survival Horror" is pretty limited. I played Resident Evil 4 on the Wii back in the day and enjoyed it, but that's about it.

Some games you "just know" within a few minutes of playing that you're on to something special. The Last of Us is one of those games. The story telling is so great, you almost feel a bit let down when you actually have to play the thing ... and that's the only downside I can give to this game, playing it. The combat is good, but not ground-breaking, it's your typical cover based shooter with limited ammo ... keywords there ... limited ammo. Ammo is scarce, as are upgrades, you don't want to miss out on finding ammo and items for upgrades, so you spend a lot of time searching. Searching searching searching ... it did extend the game, but really, was a hook to do just that. If I didn't spend time looking in every nook and cranny, I probably would have knocked this game and it's DLC off in 8 hours vs. the 16 it took. Graphics were very nice although noticeable it was a PS3 port in places. Sound was outstanding, spectacular voice acting, and great characters. Games never make me cry, no videogame story has ever made my jaw drop, but this ending man...not a full jaw drop, but my mouth probably opened a little. Recommend.

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