Wednesday 15 April 2015

Resogun (Vita)

Date Purchased:  January 15, 2015
Date Completed: April 14, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

I love Resogun, when I bought my PS4 it dominated my play time on the new console.  No game had consumed me like this since Geometry Wars.  I had a couple friends I was competing with for high score which helped, but the graphics, music and especially the game play is what kept me coming back.  I played it so much that I had discovered a near fatal flaw in regards to achieving a high score for the leader board, but that still didn't stop me from playing.  (The flaw?   No matter how good you are, your first life is all that matters.)

When the game was released for Vita I was well over my obsession, but was still pleasantly surprised at the performance.  The game is a great port, it looks and sounds great.  It plays a little more "loose" but that would only be noticeable by someone who has spent a lot of time with it's big brother.  Recommend.

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