Sunday 5 April 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 1 Anniversary (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 11, 2014
Date Completed: March 7, 2015

Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

A game this big is going to require me to break it up if I'm ever going to finish, but with each game being so different, I think they each deserve their own recap. Started the original Halo Remastered way back in November of last year, and if you look at the list I finished a lot of games in between (19 to be exact). The fact that I've finished all these games before this will tell you that it didn't hold my interest that long. I'm not discounting the game, it's just 14 year old gameplay at this point. It looks nice and still plays well, I'm just saying it feels a little dated. Time to take a break before I move on to Halo 2 Remastered.

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