Thursday 30 April 2015

Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita)

Date Purchased: February 26, 2014
Date Completed: April 30, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Uncharted: Golden Abyss.  The first and one of the last "big budget" Vita games.   Impressive graphics and sound mixed with mediocre gameplay.  I'm a pretty big fan of the Uncharted series on the PS3, so it was easy to see this was not developed by Naughty Dog.  The gameplay is similar, but certain aspects feel forced.  The end boss battles is like playing "Fruit Ninja" to cut scenes.  The puzzles (literal jigsaw puzzles) and the constant rubbing of the device really drag this game down.  I did enjoy popping head shots with the accelerometer though.  Recommend at $10 or less, otherwise pass.  Far from must play.

Monday 27 April 2015

Super Mega Baseball (PS4)

Date Purchased: April 8, 2015
Date Completed: April 26, 2015
Price: $19.99 (PSN)

I've played a lot of baseball games over the years, and I can tell you easily which ones stuck.  RBI on the NES, Super Bases Loaded for the SNES, Tommy Lasorda Baseball on the Genesis, MVP 2004 on the PS2, MLB 08 The Show on PSP and now, Super Mega Baseball (PS3 and PS4).  Looking at the list, it's about every 5 or 6 years that I get hooked on a baseball videogame.

Ball games I've spent too many hours with.

MLB XX "The Show"gets a lot of praise with it's attention to detail, and I've tried, year after year to "get into it" with no luck. I don't have time to sit and play a 9 inning game very often, especially when it takes an hour or more to do so.  If I'm going to game, I have plenty more games to play than just baseball.  And that's why I love Super Mega Baseball.

This game ultimately reminds me of RBI Baseball in it's glory days.  It's simple to pick up, fun to play, relatively easy to control and a game can be played in 15-20 minutes! Try introducing MLB The Show to 6 guys who don't know what  an "infield fly" is and let them have a good time ... it won't happen ... but it did with Super Mega Baseball.

I can't recommend this game enough.  I finished my season last night and won the championship, something I haven't done in a baseball game in a long time.  I got to the World Series in MLB 08 the show and LOST after a gruelling 81 game season.  What a colossal waste of time.  Thankfully a season in SMB only took me a handful of hours.

Yay Beewolves!

Just for fun, here's my championship game, well, what Playstation Share would let me upload.

If you're short on time, would like a baseball game you can play with your friends without giving them a handbook, pick up Super Mega Basebal. Highest Recommendation.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Mario Kart 8: DLC Pack 1&2 (Wii U)

Date Purchased: Pack 1 (November 13) Pack 1 (April 23) 2015
Date Completed: April 24, 2015
Price: $12

16 Tracks, 6 characters and a handful of Karts for $12?  Sign me up!  Considering the game launched with 32 tracks, that's practically 50% more game!!  The DLC was never on the pile, but I did knock it off (Gold 150cc), and I will say, it really compliments the original game, originally completed July 1

I like the fact that Mario Kart is branching out into other franchises, it really freshens things up.  The Zelda and F-Zero tracks are among my favorites.  I've always been a Kart fan, and they keep giving me more reason to play a game I never quit playing to begin with.  Win Win.

The 2nd DLC pack also came with a 200cc update, it's fast and fun, but can tell some tracks were not designed with it in mind.  Still adds a new way to play and bunch of cups to get gold in.


Wednesday 15 April 2015

Never Alone (PS4)

Date Purchased: April 10, 2015
Date Completed: April 15, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Never alone is an indie platform puzzler set in Alaska where you guide a little girl and her pet fox across the countryside in search of answers to what happened to your family and village.  It has some real charm to it, but the puzzles are rather simple and the controls are sloppy.  What this leads to are a lot of deaths where you're left saying "That's not what I meant to do!".  The game is very short (I'd say less than 3 hours) but I didn't really want it to go on any longer than it did.  Recommend at free, but even at a $1, I'd feel like I would have had a better time with a 7-11 coffee.

Resogun (Vita)

Date Purchased:  January 15, 2015
Date Completed: April 14, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

I love Resogun, when I bought my PS4 it dominated my play time on the new console.  No game had consumed me like this since Geometry Wars.  I had a couple friends I was competing with for high score which helped, but the graphics, music and especially the game play is what kept me coming back.  I played it so much that I had discovered a near fatal flaw in regards to achieving a high score for the leader board, but that still didn't stop me from playing.  (The flaw?   No matter how good you are, your first life is all that matters.)

When the game was released for Vita I was well over my obsession, but was still pleasantly surprised at the performance.  The game is a great port, it looks and sounds great.  It plays a little more "loose" but that would only be noticeable by someone who has spent a lot of time with it's big brother.  Recommend.

Monday 13 April 2015


Gave a spin of the free PS+ games for this month and then played a couple portable ones as well that I hadn’t touched in a while.  I really should finish Uncharted on Vita, I’ve barely touched it and am actually having a pretty good time with it again.  Resogun, knocked that off on PS4, should be an easy one to finish on Vita, I’ve never reviewed it, so, it lands on the pile.  Finally, Never Alone, nice little puzzle platformer that the boy likes to watch me play, so I can knock it out too. 

Saturday 11 April 2015

The Pile

One taken off, one added on, and a handful of maybe's.  So "The Last of Us Remastered" came down, but up went "Super Mega Baseball" which should be relatively easy.  I'll play a short season and then consider it "done" despite it's long legs for multiplayer.  Also, a number of potential games making it on the pile.  I need to spend a little time with "Tower of Guns" and "Never Alone" (both free with Playstation Plus this month)  to see if they're worth finishing ... so for now, they'll stay off the pile.  Up next for "big retail game" is Destiny on Xbox One, I'll start that next week.

Friday 10 April 2015

The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)

Date Purchased:  December 29, 2014
Date Completed: April 10, 2015
Price: $22 (eBay PSN Download Voucher)

This game intimidated me. It took me a long time to even start playing because I never felt ready to tackle a game that's received so much praise and recognition, so I kept playing shorter games, re-masters of games I've played before, or genre's I was "comfortable" with. My experience with "Survival Horror" is pretty limited. I played Resident Evil 4 on the Wii back in the day and enjoyed it, but that's about it.

Some games you "just know" within a few minutes of playing that you're on to something special. The Last of Us is one of those games. The story telling is so great, you almost feel a bit let down when you actually have to play the thing ... and that's the only downside I can give to this game, playing it. The combat is good, but not ground-breaking, it's your typical cover based shooter with limited ammo ... keywords there ... limited ammo. Ammo is scarce, as are upgrades, you don't want to miss out on finding ammo and items for upgrades, so you spend a lot of time searching. Searching searching searching ... it did extend the game, but really, was a hook to do just that. If I didn't spend time looking in every nook and cranny, I probably would have knocked this game and it's DLC off in 8 hours vs. the 16 it took. Graphics were very nice although noticeable it was a PS3 port in places. Sound was outstanding, spectacular voice acting, and great characters. Games never make me cry, no videogame story has ever made my jaw drop, but this ending man...not a full jaw drop, but my mouth probably opened a little. Recommend.

Sunday 5 April 2015

The Pile of Shame as it stands today.

Finally caught up after moving over to blog format.  The reason for the move?  Well, the old google document was getting so big with photos that it was really slow to edit.  I also wanted to use higher res photos for the box shots.  So, here we are, and here's the pile.

Forza Horizon 2 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed:  March 25, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

Last night I earned the title of “Forza Champion”. I’ve described this game as “relaxing” to many people, and that’s exactly what it is. I love it. If you make a bad turn, your race isn’t ruined, press “Y” to rewind 5 seconds or so, you can do this unlimited times. Sure you’ll lose some bonus credits, but no big deal. Vast beautiful open world, lots of cars, good soundtrack and much more. I drove every stretch of road and found every bonus board (with a little help) but none of it ever felt like a chore. Highest recommendation. I’ll keep playing this one for a while.

Battlefield 4 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed:  March 17, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

First off, this game has a lot of swears, secondly, the “hitboxes” can be off at times, a perfectly aimed headshot on occasion does nothing. Third, this game is known for bugs, like this one I experiencedBut with all that aside, I really enjoyed this game, so much so that I played the last level 3 times to experience all 3 endings. Some great levels and fun weapons/gadgets. Recommend.

Donkey Kong Land 3 (Gameboy/3DS)

Date Purchased:  March 13, 2015
Date Completed:  March 15, 2015

Price: $4 (eShop)

Bought this out of curiosity (meant to buy the first one actually) and knocked it out in a couple days. Wow, it sucks. The gameplay is tight, but the graphics are so poor it can be hard to see your character/enemies. Anyways, curiosity craved, but in general....pass.

Mega Man 3 (NES/3DS)

Date Purchased: March 1, 2014
Date Completed: March 13, 2014
Price: $4 (eShop)

Bought this for the 3DS hoping to realize I’ve missed out on a great series. Nope. I played Mega Man 2 in my youth, but forgot the core mechanic to making these games last a long time … trial and error. If not for save states on the 3DS I would probably have never finished it. I won’t buy another Mega Man. I say pass, but the series has legions of fans, so I’m confident I can say this series just isn’t for me. Pass.

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 1 Anniversary (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 11, 2014
Date Completed: March 7, 2015

Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

A game this big is going to require me to break it up if I'm ever going to finish, but with each game being so different, I think they each deserve their own recap. Started the original Halo Remastered way back in November of last year, and if you look at the list I finished a lot of games in between (19 to be exact). The fact that I've finished all these games before this will tell you that it didn't hold my interest that long. I'm not discounting the game, it's just 14 year old gameplay at this point. It looks nice and still plays well, I'm just saying it feels a little dated. Time to take a break before I move on to Halo 2 Remastered.

Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: December 26, 2014
Date Completed: February 25, 2015
Price: $32.50 (Xbox Live Marketplace)

Bought this for half price during a boxing day sale and it was worth every cent. Great game that had me intimidated to start, but once I got the hang of it, was near impossible to put down. A game unlike any other. Tony Hawk, meets Gears of War. Highly recommend.

Rayman Legends (Vita)

Date Purchased:  February 15, 2015
Date Completed: February 25, 2015
Price: $6.75 (PSN)

Couldn’t pass this up for on the go platforming bliss at a steep discount. I really enjoyed Rayman Origins and this one is even better. Less frustrating, excellent gameplay, sound and charm. Highly recommend.

Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased:  July 7, 2014
Date Completed: February 4, 2014
Price: $5 (Xbox Live Marketplace)

Another game I bought way back at release and then sold. I had a few growing pains with kids and gaming and couldn’t play this with kids I’m used to playing when they’re in bed. Picked this up last summer via digital sale. Great game. Wow. LOVED IT. Mechanics still hold up. I think it still looks great 6 years later. Highly recommend. (Likely my last 360 game. Kinda sad, end of an era).

Punch Out (Wii)

Date Purchased:  January 22, 2015
Date Completed:  February 23, 2015

Price:  $10 (eShop)

This is the second time I owned this game, I never finished it the first time I had it. At $10 digital I couldn’t pass it up to try to beat it again. Last time I couldn’t beat Super Macho Man, this time, piece of cake. Who knows. Anyway, also beat Mr. Sandman. It was a fun game, albeit a bit short. I’m not one to complete games at their hardest anymore or I’d get a few extra miles out of it. Still recommendable for 10 bones.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 30, 2012
Date Completed: January 31, 2014
Price: $30 (eBay)

BONUS GAME. I don’t know how many times I’ve finished this game, but Cole had me doing another run with him before Majora’s Mask comes out. Such a great game. Top 10 all time. Recommend.

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS (3DS)

Date Purchased:  January 9, 2015
Date Completed: January 31, 2015
Price: $45 (EB Games)

I played the Wii U version first and came in with low expectations for the “baby brother” version. Man, this game really packs a punch! Heh. Gameplay is everything the Wii U version is. Great game. (Considered “complete” when all characters/stages unlocked).

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS4)

Date Purchased:  December 6, 2014
Date Completed: January 27, 2015

Price: Free (EA Playstation Anniversary Gift)

I now know why this game was free. First, it’s a very competent 3rd person shooter, quite fun and charming, but in order to really compete, you need stickers, you buy stickers with in game currency (earned over time) OR for a few bucks real money. Too bad. This could have been really great, but, I don’t really have time to dedicate to a multiplayer shooter anyways. Pass (unless free).

Injustice (PS4)

Date Purchased:  December 1, 2014
Date Completed: January 16, 2015
Price: Free (PS+)

Finished the story mode and even played some multiplayer in person and online with Riley. Great fighting game. Some of the cut scenes get a little repetitive, but a great cast and great mechanics make this a keeper on the hard drive. Recommend.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  December 25, 2014
Date Completed: January 14, 2015
Price: Free (Borrowed from Mike Versteeg)

Finished it off….twice, and the achievement still won’t unlock for finishing it. Great game though, best COD in years. This if the first game of this console generation that really impressed me graphically. Great sound, great story. Recommend.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U)

Date Purchased:  December 26, 2014
Date Completed: January 8, 2015
Price: $45 (

Another game where you never really “Finish” but I’ve beat the boss on multiple occasions and unlocked all the playable characters. I’ll never unlock everything, but don’t need to. The game is incredibly fun and will be played for years to come. Recommend.

Lego Batman 2 (PS3)

Date Purchased:  November 5, 2014
Date Completed: January 8, 2015
Price: $5

I buy lego games for Cole, but end up playing them myself while he pretty much ignores them. This one is pretty low on the list. The open world is much less interesting than Lego Marvel and City. Still worth $5, but in general, pass.

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Game Boy/3DS)

Date Purchased: December 20, 2014
Date Completed: December 27, 2014
Price: $4 (eShop)

This was a great game considering it’s 22 years old and is played on some basic hardware. Fairly easy though and the tried and true mario physics just aren’t the same. Recommend at $4.

Watch Dogs (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed: December 23, 2014
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

This game got a lot of flack for not living up to the hype. I really enjoyed it. Hacking was simple, yet fun. I liked it from start until about 80% and found the end to be a bit of a grind. I’d still recommend it though. Gave me a solid 20-30 hours of gaming.

Toy Story 3 (PS3)

Date Purchased: December 05, 2014
Date Completed: December 22, 2014
Price: $10 (PSN)

Bought this for AJ to watch and hopefully play. Watching he did, play he does not. A pretty fun little game although not worth the $ I paid. Maybe he’ll try again in a year or so. Cole gets some play out of it.

Ratchet and Clank: All for One (PS3)

Date Purchased: June 11, 2013
Date Completed:  December 11, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Man, this game took forever to finish in 2 ways. First, I downloaded it 18 months ago, and secondly, it’s LONG. Meant for co-op play I managed to finish it on my own, took a marathon 3 hour session tonight. I just wanted to be done with it. The levels are really long and it’s about 45 minutes between save spots. Pass. #aintnobodygottimeforthat

Velocity: Ultra (Vita)

Date Purchased:  September 2, 2014
Date Completed: December 8, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

These velocity games are awesome. Highly recommend to anyone with a vita. While I can’t see myself playing this on PS4, it’s a perfect game on the go.

Little Big Planet: Karting (PS3)

Date Purchased: January 26, 2013
Date Completed:  November 30, 2014
Price: $10 (PSN)

Outside of a pretty intense boss battle at the the end I really don’t have much positive to say about LBPK, especially having played the excellent Mario Kart 8. “Floaty” controls, and the fact that absolutely nothing matters until the last lap makes this game hard to recommend. Pass.

Little Big Planet 2 (PS3)

Date Purchased: June 23, 2013
Date Completed: November 25, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

I put this game and a handful of others on the “pile” when it was empty. I thought it deserved a shot. I played the story and a handful of user created levels. I want to like LBP, but really….I don’t. Pass.

Super Luigi U (Wii U)

Date Puchased: November 4, 2014
Date Completed: November 16, 2014

Price: Free (Cole Received as a birthday gift from Josiah)

I really liked the ramped up difficutly and the fact that Cole could play without taking damage made for a perfect combo. Great game. Would recommend to Mario fans.

Lego Marvel Superheroes (PS3)

Date Purchased: July 24, 2014
Date Completed: October 30, 2014
Price: $8 (PSN)

After a summer off from gaming, starting to get back in the swing. This is a great game that I would recommend to just about anyone. Fun open world to explore and so much to unlock. 

Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

Date Purchased: June 17, 2014
Date Completed: August 3, 2014
Price: Free (eShop Mario Kart 8 Promo)

Never played a Pikmin game before and realized I missed out. Fantastic game. Quirky and fun. Controls and concept took some time to get a grip on, but would recommend to just about anyone.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Mini's (DS)

Date Purchased: May 15, 2014
Date Completed: August 1, 2014
Price: $4 (Yard Sale)

Great little game although not much of a challenge. I’d recommend it for a few days of fun.

Pixeljunk Shooter (Vita/PS4)

Date Purchased: June 1, 2014
Date Completed: July 9, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Worst. Ending. Ever. I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular. But a message telling you to play again and get more treasure was hardly rewarding for the Hell this game put you through at points. Still really liked it. Fun blend of physics puzzles and shooting. Recommend.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Trine 2 (PS4)

Date Purchased: June 1, 2014
Date Completed: July 1, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Wow. Great game. What makes this stand out is that there are multiple approaches to solving the puzzles. After doing something amazing, I went to youtube and saw that I actually did it completely different than someone else. As good as it is, I was ready to be done at the end. The (free)DLC add on remains unfinished.

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

Date Purchased: June 20, 2014
Date Completed: July 1, 2014
Price: Free (Fathers Day Gift)

Gold medaled all the tracks, unlocked all the characters etc. You never really “finish” Mario Kart games, but I’ve done enough here to feel like I can take it off. Best Mario Kart ever? Could be. I just wish I had some real competition in this house. And for that, I’ll stick with Mario Kart 64 or SNES as best ever.

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  June 8, 2014
Date Completed: June 19, 2014
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

Great little game from start to finish. Some really fun game mechanics however somewhat limited in player creativity and approach. Still solid. Recommend.

Super Mario 3D Land (3DS)

Date Purchased: September 2, 2013
Date Completed: June 6, 2014
Price: $28 (eBay)

I was “saving” this one for a while because it was my most anticipated game for a long time. It did not disappoint. Great game, not quite as good as 3D World, but amazing nonetheless. I finished every level except for the insane last one. Every gold coin. Highly recommend.

Velocity (Vita)

Date Purchased: May 1, 2014
Date Completed: May 29, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Great little shmup on the Vita...actually ⅓ shooter, ⅓ puzzler, ⅓ racer. Can’t beat the price. Got my money’s worth and more!

SSX (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased: March 1, 2012
Date Completed: May 28, 2014

Price: $60 (EB Games)

This game is proof that persistence pays off. Over 2 years between achievements. After picking it back up, I was ready to set it back down, but finally found my groove with the classic controls. Conquered the 9 deadly descents. Loved it and will play more.

Killzone Mercenary (Vita)

Date Purchased: January 14, 2014
Date Completed: May 22, 2014

Price: $9 (PSN)

I can’t believe what the Vita can pull off. I’ve played a lot of great games on the system, but none with graphics like this. Amazing. Not just for a portable game, but for a shooter in general. Must buy for a Vita owner.

Titanfall (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  April 7, 2014
Date Completed: May 21, 2014
Price: Free (Pack-in)

The “campaign” consists of playing roughly 18 multiplayer matches. A rated “M” game makes this difficult in my house. I have to wait till the kids are asleep, and that sometimes doesn’t happen until I’m ready for bed. Great game though, looks nice, plays great. Just wish I had more time.