Thursday 31 March 2022

A Memoir Blue (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

2022 is turning into the year of the indie for me and this is one you should skip unless you want easy achievements.  A story told in 45 minutes or so with very little interaction.  I found the story to be sad and sweet, but told better in other places/mediums. Pass.

Monday 28 March 2022

Tunic (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Full disclosure, I turned on some accessibility options at the very end of this game.  

I'd heard this game was inspired by Zelda, and while I can see why there are some comparisons, I don't feel it's as good as those games.  That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time with Tunic, it has some really great ideas and I genuinely enjoyed the time I decided to put into the game.  I'd heard how incredibly difficult this game was and coming fresh off of giving up on Elden Ring, I wasn't sure I'd see it through.  Strangely I didn't find the game that difficult (until the end) where I learned I got the "bad ending".  So, 2 options, write this, or keep plugging away trying to get the "good ending".  

I'm going to close the book on Tunic and walk away with fond memories rather than banging my head on the wall repeatedly.   I looked up what I need to do to get the good ending, and in this case it's an argument of time vs. reward.  I don't feel it's worth my time and frustration.  Graphics and art style are top notch, I loved the level design.  I have a hard time recommending this game to anyone, but if you have game pass, why wouldn't you at least give it a try?  Go for it.

Monday 21 March 2022

Guardians of the Galaxy (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Another big AAA title came to Game Pass and while I admit I'm not the biggest Guardians/Marvel fan, the game did appeal to me.  Bright vibrant colors, a humourous story, compelling visuals, great soundtrack, all the ingredients were there.  

After an hour or so I was a bit concerned as I seemed to be doing just as much watching as I was playing.  I've said many times before how I don't like my games overly "talky", but the writing and voice acting is quite good in this one, the story is engaging as well that I powered through.  That doesn't change, the game has A LOT of dialogue/cut scenes.  

When we do break to action the combat is satisfying although quite repetitive.  By late in the game it becomes a bit of a rinse/repeat process.  I finished the game in around 20 hours which is quite long considering this is strictly single player.

When all is said and done I'd recommend this game to just about anyone who has the attention span to get through the cut scenes.  

Tuesday 8 March 2022

Firewatch (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I just finished putting down my thoughts on "Far: Changing Tides" and mentioning how I don't like overly "talky" games.  Firewatch is extremely talky and I LOVED IT.  I can't stop thinking about it really, wishing it would go on.  The complex relationship between your player and Delilah in the other tower was captivating.  You never see Delilah, but there's clearly some chemistry between the two of you, sometimes good, sometimes bad.  It's easy to get lost in the environment early on, but by the end you'll be skipping over fallen trees, jumping down rocks and climbing through caves just from memory, it feels like a real place.  The story goes some places and while it didn't end the way I was expecting or wanting, it was still an experience I'll likely never forget.   It will be some time before I play another game that captivated me like this one, and that makes me sad.  I want more.  Highest recommend.

Far: Changing Tides (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

It's always a delight when a game shows up out of nowhere that you find yourself thoroughly enjoying.  I typically don't like games that are overly "talky", I believe I've mentioned preferring the silent protagonist in past reviews.  This game is quiet, very quiet, which is exactly what I'm looking for when I want to chill in the evenings after a day of work and parenting.  This game is soothing, the quiet of the ocean, the wind through your sails, there is some music, but it's very understated.  It takes a little time to get  used to all of your vehicles mechanics, but once you do, it's a treat navigating the waters below and above though the games 4-6 hour length.  I highly recommend this game and if it doesn't land on my top 10 at years end, well then it was an amazing year for games.  High recommend.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Lawn Mowing Simulator - Unfinished (Xbox/PC via Game Pass)

Curiosity got the best of me on this one and for a weekend in February I quite enjoyed the peaceful nature of mowing the lawn.  I enjoyed the game although it does get quite monotonous, I couldn't find a POV that I liked either, something just never felt right as I was constantly switching cameras.  The game requires precision, it just doesn't control well enough to simulate the real thing.  Pass.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Elden Ring - Unfinished (Xbox Series X)

This is one of the best games I've ever played that I'll likely never finish.  I love making progress in games, completing games, daily challenges etc.  This game does not scratch that itch, but I can't stop thinking about it, wanting to play it.  Problem is, I all but rage quit and find myself going back the next day.  When will this cycle end?  Maybe soon, maybe never.  I'm just writing this here because A) Nobody reads this but me.  And B) I don't want to forget about this game when GOTY time comes.  This is an exceptional game.  Recommend everyone try it.