Monday 22 February 2021

Bowsers Fury (Switch)

When our internet went down I went to Nintendo to help us cope with our issue.  We picked up Super Mario 3D World + Bowsers Fury.  Having played 3D world extensively over the years I jumped into Bowsers Fury.  It's a neat idea, essentially an open world Mario Game.  I really enjoyed my time with it except the post boss-battle.  Bowsers comes around to mess you with you on occasion which really messes with your grind for shines.  I thought that if I beat Bowser for good I would be free to explore, but nope, that pesky Bowser keeps coming at  you.  I did obtain all 100 shines and unlocked the final suit, the fact that I was willing to do that will tell you that I enjoyed this game.  It's great and has me hopeful for a future, bigger, open world Mario game.  Recommend.

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