Monday 22 February 2021

Doom Eternal (PC via Game Pass)

Last November I got my shiny new Xbox Series X and one of the first games I tried on it was Doom Eternal.  I criticized it's "systems" and eventually put it down.  Fast forward a few months and I got a gaming laptop.  Wanting something to play on it, I thought I'd give this another go.  I think the first time I fell off was partly because of it's complexity, but also because I didn't want to commit to one game.  Now I did.  I'm a keyboard and mouse n00b when it comes to gaming and I thought that if I can get decent at this fast paced twitch game with 1000 buttons, I could probably get decent at anything.  Turns out, once I got the hang of things., I loved this game!  Is it better than Doom 2016?  I'm not sure, I might have to go back and try it again, but as of this moment, absolutely yes!  Turns out I (mostly) loved the platforming segments.  The combat feels really good, it runs extremely well on a gaming laptop and the classic Doom soundtrack is still there.  Recommend 100%.

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