Friday 5 February 2021

Spider-Man Miles Morales (PS4)

I knocked this game out in 3 days.  Is it that I loved it so much that I accomplished such an unthinkable task? Not really.  I kinda sorta gave my son my PS4, so I was "borrowing" the PS4 from him and this game and didn't want to have it too long.  I mainlined story with minimal side quests which, if completed, would have extended my playtime extensively.  I quite enjoyed my time with this game, equally as much as it's predecessor.  The game looks and plays great,  Miles has some nifty powerups and the combat felt a bit more varied.  Morales as a character is better than Peter Parker and the whole feel of the game is much "cooler" than the first.  Maybe it's the hip hop, maybe it's the powerups, but for all intents and purposes this game is better (albeit shorter) than the original.  Recommend.  

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