Monday 11 February 2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)

Date Purchased: December 25, 2018
Date Completed: February 12, 2019
Price: $79.99 (eShop)

You never really finish these games, but I've put enough time in to know it's a classic.  It has caused many many wars in our house, lots of tears shed, makes for a great game no?  My oldest boy won't even play with me anymore out of anxiety of losing, the middle child can't do it either, so I play with the 5 year old twins a lot.  They're not very good, but the multiplayer is where it's at and I have to play with someone.  I get wrecked online, so I don't really go there, but it's great couch chaos.  A huge roster, incredible charm, just a celebration of gaming really.  Recommend obvi.

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