Saturday 9 February 2019

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: February 7, 2019
Date Completed: February 11, 2019
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

Full disclosure, I played this on "casual" difficulty.  I am not a fan of "Metroidvania's" so when I heard this was a Castlevania clone I was apprehensive to even try it, but the difference is, this one was "free".  I gave the game a try and was pretty much hooked knocking it out over 3 sittings.  I didn't find it difficult in the least until the last stage which had me fairly frustrated.

I eventually prevailed.  This game is cool, the different abilities keep the game fresh, the graphics are a good mix between 8 and 16 bit with a cool soundtrack.  I liked it, just the right length at a little over 2 hours.  The controls were a little clunky in spots but didn't cause too much aggravation. Recommend.

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