Friday 8 February 2019

Spider-Man (PS4)

Date Purchased: December 25, 2018
Date Completed: February 11, 2019
Price: (Free, Pack in)

My son Cole received this game free with his Christmas present, his own PS4, it’s been on my radar for some time so I was happy to finally get to play it.  I took some time to start it, but once I did, I was hooked.  This game has the best mobility of any open world game I’ve ever played.  It’s better than Just Cause, better than the Arkham series, better than Breath of the Wild.  While the environments all appear very similar, just zipping through the city is fun, and it holds up for a long time.  The game looks great, the voice acting is amazing, and the story holds up too.  My only gripe would be the “stealth” sections where you don’t play as Spider-Man.  I understand pace changing, but I think it can be done better, in fact it is done better, AS SPIDER-MAN.  Playing stealthily as Spider-Man?  Fun!  Playing stealthily as Mary Jane?  Web me now.  I enjoyed the puzzle solving mini games and many of the side missions, but when I was approaching the end, I was ready to be done, I felt like the game could have been about 20 percent shorter.  Minor gripes aside it’s a great game, I’m curious to what they’ll do in a sequel to prevent players from feeling like they’ve done all this before.   Highly recommend. 

And a couple screens I took:

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